AI is an interesting and helpful thing. I find it amazing that a computer can help build up your essay and writing with just one click of a button. Also, it makes my work so much better. I think this Ai stuff is the future and it can be really helpful. Most of the time it does what it wants you to do. You might have to put more information in and more details if it doesn’t come out the way you want it. At first put, I put my comment down and it didn’t come out right because I didn’t put the character’s name. So after I reformed the question and changed the end part to ask if he was from the South it gave me a good paragraph.

The main character LaVender Peeler from the book long division has an interesting name. Im wondering if he is from the South (question)

The novel Long Division by Kiese Laymon is an engaging exploration of identity and race in the 21st century. The main character of the novel, Lavender Peeler, is a young black man living in Mississippi. His peculiar name is symbolic of the complexity of his identity, and the way in which he is viewed by the world around him. Through Lavender’s experiences, Laymon is able to explore the nuances of identity, race, and the South in an engaging and insightful way.

One of the main themes of Long Division is the idea of identity. Lavender Peeler’s name is symbolic of his identity, and the way he is perceived by the world around him. As Lavender says, “My name has always been a problem. It’s both a gift and a burden.” This quote speaks to the complexity of identity in the South, and the way in which Lavender is viewed by others. This is further explored in the novel, as Lavender is constantly struggling to be accepted by the people around him. He faces discrimination and racism, and is constantly reminded that his identity is different from those around him.

Another theme in Long Division is the idea of race and racism. Throughout the novel, Lavender is subjected to racism and prejudice from those around him. From his teacher, who calls him “boy” and belittles him in front of the class, to the police officer who stops him while he is walking home, Lavender is constantly reminded that he is different. This is further explored in the novel, as Lavender is constantly trying to understand his place in the world and how he fits into it.

The final theme explored in Long Division is the idea of the South. Throughout the novel, Laymon is able to show the complexities of life in the South, and how it affects those who live there. From the poverty and inequality to the racism and discrimination, Laymon is able to show the reality of life in the South. He also shows how the South is a place of beauty and hope, where people come together to support one another in times of need.

The novel Long Division is an engaging exploration of identity, race, and the South. Through the experiences of Lavender Peeler, Laymon is able to explore the complexities of identity, racism, and the South in an insightful way. As I continue to read the novel, I am looking forward to learning more about Lavender’s journey, and the way in which he is able to navigate the complexities of his identity and the world around him.(A.i generated)

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Esther Bahati
May 2, 2023 6:10 pm

if you say that “ it makes my work so much better” true but it won’t make it better then but can be used if you need your essay to look like strong words and how you can start your essay with AI ideas. when you said, “Think this Ai stuff is the future and it can be really helpful.” I concur since this is the new method for writing that children in the future will use, even if they will still copy text word for word. They will still have to think, but not a lot because AI is available to assist them.

May 2, 2023 2:29 pm

I think an interesting point you made is that not only can you modify the result of the AI, but also input. The AI does need a lot of details in order to be effective, which I think makes it more interactive and specific. If you do end up putting vague instructions, you’re gonna get a vague answer. So, the AI really reflects the command of the user.

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