I’m hoping to do my research paper on whether or not the Rwandan Genocide was an isolated incident or a part of a worldwide trend. So far I haven’t found much specific info about my question and have been doing mostly background research on statistics of the genocide, the history of it, and the aftermath
Before the genocide there had been ethnic tensions in Rwanda for centuries.
Over 800,000 people were killed over a span of six months.
The main victims were Tutsi’s.
The breaking point of the genocide was when Cyprien Ntarysmira was shot down in a plane crash with no survivors.
International powers did little to nothing to stop it.
More than 6 women and children were murdered every minute.
Within hours of the president dying the Hutus rebels had surrounded the capital.
The radio was used to find hidden Tutsi’s and to rationalize the genocide.
Systematic rape was used as a war weapon; between 250,000 and 500,000 women were raped.
Twenty six percent of the Rwandan population still suffers from post traumatic stress today.