It was 7 in morning
Walking to my school in Ecuador, the last day for me
All my friends in class talking between them
A lot a noisy could hear in the class
Feeling so sad that day
Telling my friends that I’m going to travel to New York
“We are so sad right now, we don’t want you to go to another country.”

Saw everything around me
Feeling sad, my dad said to me
“I understand but this is a opportunity for a better future for you and sister”
All in New York was new for me
See the train for the first time ever
A  lot of people in there
Could heard people speak English 

Feeling nervous
Taking the train to go to my school
See my new school for the first time
A lot of students 
They working with computers
A lot of noise in every class
“You’re new in the country, right?”

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March 1, 2024 2:38 am

Dear Kerly D,

I am Very surprised and moved,  your poem about your journey from Ecuador to New York because your life took an unexpected turn where there were sad goodbyes to people you love in addition to being in a new unknown country and from what I heard from the audio I realized that you are a person who makes an effort since your English is too good.

One line of your poem that stood out for me was, “You’re new in the country, right?” I think this is one of the most remembered and understandable things for us immigrants since when we are asked this we start to think about things from the past as if it were a deja vu of a new life to a door of experiences to come.
Your writing connects to my own experience. For me,When I arrived at school for the first time, it was a new experience for me and I feel very identified with your poem with computers in class, something that is very strange for me since in my country they do not usually use computers, only a notebook and pencil.

Jocelyn Flores-Gomez
Jocelyn Flores-Gomez
September 1, 2022 6:52 pm

Dear Kerly, I genuinely am impressed of your poem, ¨The Biggest Change In My Life¨ with the tone you used and how nervous yet so calm you sound. Moving to a whole new country is very diverse so just the idea of knowing you´re going elsewhere, where you have no clue of is insane.

One sentence that definitely stood out to me is when your dad said, ¨I understand but this is a opportunity for a better future for you and your sister.¨It connected to me because I´ve always said you should always take advantage for as many opportunities you get. Opportunities are not everywhere and they come across you for a reason, a life changing reason sometimes.

Thank you for your writing, I look forward to reading your upcoming poems and see how you express your emotions again! We would love to know what was your hardest thing to adapt to in your new journey.


August 26, 2022 10:04 pm

Dear Kerly, I truly enjoyed your poem because it talks about the grievance when leaving your home country. It gave me a first person perspective on what that experience might feel like. I hope you have found your peace in the US. I love the personal photo you used as well !

December 13, 2021 5:46 am

Dear Kerly, I really enjoyed your poem. I can relate to it because I came from another country to America. In my first day of school I saw people using computers in school and it was something new from me. I want to say thank you for bringing those memories back. I hope you having a great day!

December 11, 2021 5:14 am

Dear Kerly,

I really enjoyed reading your poem, “The Biggest Change of My Life”. It is very touching and the tone made it very interesting to read as it sounds so calm explaining such a big change. The personal picture you added also adds to the poem making it interesting to read as it is a picture of your travels.
When you said “I understand but this is a opportunity for a better future for you and sister” it really stood out to me. My parents also immigrated to the U.S. for a better future for all their kids and you including this in your poem displays the selflessness immigrant parents have for their kids. I read the book “Call me American” which also connects to immigrating to new and unknown places.
I really enjoyed your poem as it lets me know something about you and what you have experienced. I liked the tone you used and how you made it easy to read. I especially liked that you took us from before you left Ecuador to arriving and starting your life in New York. I really appreciate you sharing this part of your life and hope to read more of your posts in the future. I hope you and your family are living the life you traveled here for.


Last edited 2 years ago by Karen
Georgia Stockham
Georgia Stockham
December 10, 2021 5:53 pm

This is a super touching poem. I love how you even used a personal photo! You did a great job describing how you were feeling at the time. A change that big is scary. I hope you like New York!

December 10, 2021 5:45 pm

Your post was very intriguing! It provided me with a first-person perspective of what it would be like to be new to a country.

December 10, 2021 5:44 pm

I really like the way you wrote this post. I feel like in a way I can put myself in your shoes and experience the ways you were feeling.

December 6, 2021 4:16 pm

Dear Kerlyi:

I am impressed by your post, “The Biggest Change of My Life,” because it is impressive how calm you sound to be moving to a different country. I think it’s impressive that you are going to slowly adapt to a new atmosphere.

One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is: “I understand but this is a opportunity for a better future for you and sister.” I think this is awesome because parents go the extra mile to make sure their kids have a better future even if it is in a completely different country. 

Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because of how you expressed emotion. I would like you to continue telling me about what is the hardest thing you had to adapt to.


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