In this text the central idea is talking about the causes of climate change. In support of their central...
Tag Archive for: Okemos High School
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Power of Prejudice
Dania, , Thinking flexibly, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Responding with wonderment and awe, Showcase, Fall 2022, Rights, American Creed, This is America, Reduced Inequalities, Discrimination, america, Okemos High School, 0America is a melting pot of different cultures and backgrounds. It was built on the foundation of equal rights...
Tokyo Fire
Jason, , Creating, imagining, and innovating, Showcase, Responding with wonderment and awe, Guns, Fall 2021, Crime, Police, Stories, Creative Writing, short fiction, crime, Fiction, fire, Okemos High School, city, tokyo, 5Mitsu Hamada. The name runs through my tongue like a lemon with hot sauce. Mitsu was a trained military-grade...
Aren’t We All The Same
Jaden, , Listening with understanding and empathy, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Fall 2021, Showcase, Getting Started, Reduced Inequalities, Managing Impulsivity, Okemos High School, wearethesame, 39Aren’t we all the same?Or is it because of the color of my skin? Is it because I don’t lookthe same...
– When the time comes we must ask ourselves, Are we really okay? For when you are your own...
It’s wrong to say they’re a force of nature, For nature is forced to obey. Their strength rivals that...
Final Goodbye.
Josh, , Beauty, Love, Okemos High School, Love, 10Grandma, I’m sorry, I couldn’t spend more time with you before you had to go You were always there...
Surprise of a Sunset
Srinidhi, , Creative Writing, Poems and Stories, Poetry, Nature, Okemos High School, poetry, creative writing, 5I thought I’d awaken to a sky of silver. Heavy clouds covering the shining snow river. But there’s something...
Lilly, , Poetry, Happiness, Habits of Mind, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Responding with wonderment and awe, Poems and Stories, Spring 2022, Showcase, Quality Education, Okemos High School, winter, 9the season of oranges i smell the scent of clementinesand i see a window of whiteand all of this...
Robin’s Way on Rainbow Court
Alaina, , Stories, Creative Writing, My Beautiful Neighborhood, Habits of Mind, Finding Humor, Striving for accuracy, Poems and Stories, Showcase, Okemos High School, memories, Non-fiction, 4As a second grader, my top priority on summer mornings was to get to the YMCA in time for...
I offer this poem to you, When tides start rolling in, A comfort as ice shocks your toes, A...
We Pray
Dawning, , Creative Writing, Creating Community, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Fall 2021, Showcase, Poetry, Happiness, Okemos High School, Love, Peace, 9In the dawn of day We pray We pray so our families feel safe So that one’s happiness may...
Seventeen As I watched him disappear up the stairs, my head and my heart were both racing against the...
Dawning, , Responding with wonderment and awe, Fall 2021, Showcase, Poetry, Bullying, Good Health and Well-Being, Listening with understanding and empathy, Creating, imagining, and innovating, magazine, listening and understanding, include others, fear, Okemos High School, 1Darkness, The definition of shame and fearall feelings in which was driving through my mindMy fears unravel one by oneas...
Individualism as an American Value
Annabella, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Fall 2020, Showcase, American Creed, This is America, america, Okemos High School, Individualism, 4Liberty, equality, and equal opportunity for all are at the core of our values as Americans. None of them...
America’s Important Values
Raj, , Showcase, American Creed, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, Constitution, 1Throughout the United States, many people ponder on what is the most important American value. Historically, the United States...
what is the American dream?
William, , American Dream, American Creed, Okemos High School, American values, 2Anyone can be an American if they are willing to be respectful, unite for Justice and Liberty. This idea...
My American Values
Tanish, , Showcase, Getting Started, American Creed, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, American Creed, 5When I think about the most important American values I think of freedom, equality, and individualism. These are some...
Are You a True American?
Karthick prem Satheesh, , Fall 2020, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, American Creed, Okemos High School, Values, 2Are you a true American? Most of you reading this might have never thought about it. So what does...
What Is the American Dream?
Nathaniel, , American Dream, Reduced Inequalities, Fall 2020, Showcase, Immigration, Immigration, Okemos High School, 3What is the American Dream? The American Dream is the prospect of freedom, choices and endless opportunity for all...
Themes of America
Benjamin, , Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, American Creed, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, american society, 4To me being an american means very little, Most would probably say they identify with the general traits associated...
Equality in America
Jacob, , Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, American Creed, American Freedom, 3What it means to be an American could mean various different things in this day and age depending on...
American Values, What Really do They Mean?
Caden, , American Creed, Fall 2020, Showcase, america, Okemos High School, Equality, 5What does it mean to be an American? That is a question that really has no “right” answer. To...
America; All Unique But All One
Griffin, , American Dream, Argument, Community, Student-Centered, American Creed, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, Fall 2020, Black Lives Matter, identity, Okemos High School, 5In American culture, there are many different values, cultures, and creeds that shape the way we all exist as...
Challenging America
Owen, , American Dream, American Creed, This is America, Journalist Bio, Reduced Inequalities, Fall 2020, Showcase, Social Media, American values, American Creed, Okemos High School, 3We are repetitively being told by schools and politicians to have pride in our country and its values. Values...
A White Man’s World
Jenna, , Showcase, Race Relations, American Creed, Reduced Inequalities, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, systemic racism, 5In order to talk about American beliefs and values we must look at all of American history and our...
Values That Will Bring America Together
Jyothika, , Partnerships for the Goals, Fall 2020, Showcase, American Creed, Okemos High School, American dream, 2Being an American means something different to everyone. Since no two people are the same, they will have different...
Defining The American Dream
Julia, , Fall 2020, Showcase, American Dream, American Creed, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, American values, American Creed, American dream, 0“The American Dream” is a term we hear often as Americans, but what does it really mean? Does it...
The Flaws of the American Dream
Emily, , American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Reduced Inequalities, Fall 2020, Showcase, Immigration, American Creed, Okemos High School, argument, 2The American Dream, having a great job and a perfect family in an admirable house with a white picket...
America has strong roots in philosophy, from that we have created certain values that we have come to believe...
What Does it Mean to be American?
George, , American Creed, Writing, Fall 2020, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Family, Friendship, Media, Okemos High School, 1What does it mean to be American? Whenever someone asks me this question, I instantly think back to the...
What I believe as an American
Levi, , Fall 2020, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Okemos High School, American Creed, #Values, Beliefs, 1America, the land was founded in 1607 and was declared to be free from Britain in 1776. With new...
Reasons Why We Need to Delineate American Values
Anna, , Showcase, American Creed, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, American values, 3There are always many debates, talks, and disputes about what America’s values really are and what Americans stand for....
What Does It Mean To Be American
Adam, , American Creed, Fall 2020, Showcase, American Dream, American Creed, Okemos High School, 4What does it mean to be American? I believe the answer to that question is relative to whom you...
Using Our Freedoms for Equality
Madelyn, , Showcase, American Creed, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, Argument essay, American values, 4Despite the divides in America, there are still shared values that can help us come together and create a...
America: Land of Differences
Owen, , Fall 2020, Showcase, American Creed, This is America, Okemos High School, american culture, 1What does it mean to be an American? It can mean a lot of different things for a lot...
What Does it Mean to Be an American?
Ismael, , American Dream, Argument, Student-Centered, American Creed, Writing, Showcase, Fall 2020, Rights, Religion, History, Okemos High School, American Creed, 3Being an American is always staying open-minded and welcoming to others. America is filled with so many different people...
To Be American
Jack, , Black Lives Matter, American Dream, American Creed, This is America, Fall 2020, Showcase, Okemos High School, Equality, 1Jack Guggemos Mrs. Reed American Lit 18 October 2020 To Be American What it means to be American is...
Being an American is not Always as Amazing as it is Explained to be.
Sienna, , American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Showcase, This is America, Race Relations, Fall 2020, Black Lives Matter, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Rights, Okemos High School, 2For many people America is an amazing country where people have free will and can be anything their heart...
Importance of Equality in America
Sasha, , Showcase, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, Equality, American values, 4Johnson 1 Sasha Johnson Ms. Reed American Literature 07 October 2020 Importance of Equality in America A core American...
The Divided States of America
Allison, , American Creed, This is America, Fall 2020, Showcase, Argument, AmericanCreed, Okemos High School, 4America is nowhere near perfect. Our history is not all sunshine. The shadows from our past loom over us...
American Freedoms and Values
Samuel, , Showcase, Politics, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, Argument essay, American Freedom, 2To me being American means many things and different things to every person, but right now most of them...
American Values and Beliefs
Arsalan, , American Dream, Goals, This is America, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2020, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Okemos High School, 0To be American means to be free. Americans’ beliefs consist of many freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom of...
What does it mean to be American?
Aditi, , Showcase, Fall 2020, Okemos High School, American Creed, 3Being American means different things to different people. To some, it may mean patriotism, voting, eating chili at the...
Be Thankful For Your Blessings
Husnain, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Family, Okemos High School, 3“I hate you.” That is the last thing I remember saying. During dinner, my mother and I had gotten...
My name is Husnain and I am not good at anything. In fact, I am pretty bad at everything...
America: The Most Diverse Country in The World
Oscar, , Showcase, Fall 2019, AAPI Heritage, Okemos High School, 3According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, diversity is the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different...
What are our American Values?
Ethan, , Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 1There are three things that Americans value most, justice, equality, and freedom. Americans are greatly influenced by their constitutions...
To Leave or Not to Leave
Ashleigh, , American Dream, American Creed, Writing, This is America, Fall 2019, Immigration, Clean Water and Sanitation, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Reduced Inequalities, Politics, Partnerships for the Goals, History, Refugees, Okemos High School, 4Immigration and refuge have always been part of America’s history. There is not a person in the US that...
The Meaning of Family
Laya, , Showcase, American Creed, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, family, Okemos High School, Fall 2019, 2019, 12“With family on your side, there isn’t a battle you can’t lose”. It is more than fair to say...
American Culture
Lauren, , Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Okemos High School, Educated, 2Culture defines us. But how can we define American culture? The answer is we can’t, at least not completely....
Fitting in the Gaps
Thomas, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Bone Gap, Fitting in, Okemos High School, belonging, 2Laura Ruby’s novel, Bone Gap, features a tight-knit community in Illinois. Everybody knows everybody’s business, and when Finn’s inability...
How World War II Affected American Life
Taylor, , This is America, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, War, world war two, miss peregrines home for peculiar children, america, Okemos High School, 5As most would know, World war II made a huge impact on the whole world. But what some may...
Prejudice towards immigrant children is dangerous to their mental health.
Sloane, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 2In the memoir Americanized by Sara Saedi, she talks about the fact that she struggled with identity as an...
Trust No One
Angela, , Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, #muslims, trust, 3“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair” (Mann). After the 9/11 attack that was...
Americas Hope
Han, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Terrorism, American Dream, American Creed, This is America, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Okemos High School, 1The book BullyVille presents a real-life event and also what happens in many parts of the United States. When...
When the topic of crime and criminals come up, what do we think of? Do we think of the...
The Choice to Leave
Jessica, , Showcase, Immigration, American Dream, American Creed, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 1In the last couple of years, there has been an increase in deportation and voluntary departure. “Voluntary departure allows...
Immigrants in America
Baoyang, , Showcase, Immigration, American Dream, American Creed, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Okemos High School, American values, 1The United States is known as a melting pot – a country with different people, “Mexico is the top...
New Unique Values for American’s?
Rohan, , Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Fall 2019, 2019, Okemos High School, american, fall, 6Being an American means a lot of things, whether you were born here in the United States or immigrated...
Is the American Dream dead?
Brendon, , Showcase, American Dream, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Okemos High School, 3The “American Dream”. The dictionary definition is “the aspirational belief in the US that all individuals are entitled to...
The Oppression of Freedom
Nico, , Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, American Dream, American Creed, Fall 2019, Reduced Inequalities, Okemos High School, freedom, Slavery, WWII, 1The land of the free and opportunity, the United States of America. It was established on the ideal of freedom...
What causes hate crimes and how do they affect Americans?
David, , USvsHate, Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, American values, #hatecrimes, 2After reading Love hate and Other Filters, a book written by Samira Ahmed that follows a 17-year-old Muslim girl...
What Is American Culture
Aliko, , Showcase, This is America, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, american culture, 5In America, people might think that there is only one culture, but there is more than one culture because...
Values are the foundation of a society, they direct the society accordingly in a path with established boundaries, and...
The American dream in Death of a Salesman
Annie, , Fall 2019, American Dream, #Values, death of a salesman, 1940, Okemos High School, American dream, 1“What are our American values?” And “What is the American dream?” Are very important questions in this country. Arthur...
Years of Women’s Rights
Peyton, , Gender Equity (Women), Books or Plays, American Creed, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Okemos High School, Women's Rights, 6Women’s rights have been a topic of American discussion for a long time now. Although America isn’t the only...
Without Knowledge
Alexander, , Books or Plays, American Creed, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2019, Showcase, Okemos High School, prejudice, 0The Hired Girl deals with quite a few controversial topics that relate to American culture. One I would like...
Literacy Skills in Defining Yourself
Catherine, , Language, The Hate U Give, Fall 2019, Showcase, Okemos High School, 1“Literacy is. . .the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can...
Our Identity as Americans
Lily, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 0Schooling opportunities we receive play a major role in defining our American life. My American Literature class has really...
I believe that the book This is Where it Ends has everything to do with American culture. You do...
Mitchell, , Writing & Communication, Fall 2019, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Books or Plays, american culture, stephen king, misery, culture, Okemos High School, 2nd Hour American Lit, 0It is really hard to describe American culture for many reasons. First, it is something that seems everywhere but...
Sports Inequality
Sofie, , Showcase, Gender Equity (Women), Women in Action, Fall 2019, Reduced Inequalities, Okemos High School, 2In the book Proud, Ibtihaj Muhammad describes the discrimination she faced because she was a woman, because she was...
Poverty and the Blight
Owen, , No Poverty (Economy), Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Okemos High School, poverty, 0Poverty is a major problem around the world. The issues of hunger and poverty are struggles that almost every...
What is Our American Culture?
Cooper, , Showcase, LGBTQ+ Rights, Bullying, American Creed, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Okemos High School, 1Our American Culture is something that each and everyone of us see everyday. Whether or not we see it...
Dreaming Big These Days
Caroline, , American Dream, Goals, Fall 2019, Showcase, Sports, Okemos High School, 1In America throughout history, we address the idea of dreams, that build the country up from where it started...
Corruption in the United States
Abhi, , Crime, American Creed, This is America, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Okemos High School, American values, corruption, government, 0Corruption has plagued the United States, as well as other nations, for many years. The novel All the King’s...
Eviction and the Evicted
Drew, , Showcase, American Creed, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Reduced Inequalities, Housing, Okemos High School, 1The promise of housing for all is one of the essential values we hold as Americans. In Evicted, by...
The Bullets you Shoot
Prerna, , Fall 2019, Showcase, Guns, Black Lives Matter, Politics, Police, American Dream, American Creed, The Hate U Give, Okemos High School, Police Brutality, 4Everyone has a different definition of being American, although many of us can agree that being American is about...
How does Literacy affect people’s lives?
Lauren, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, No Poverty (Economy), Call to Action, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 0The book Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich takes you into the everyday life of lower income families and...
How The Green Mile Exposes What’s Wrong With the Death Penalty in America
Aidan, , Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Partnerships for the Goals, Art, Incarceration, This is America, Arts & Entertainment, fyp, the green mile, Okemos High School, justice, death penalty, 0The Green Mile by Stephen King is a book about death, both in life and on death row in...
Why are the Impoverished Judged?
Madison, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, No Poverty (Economy), Social Class, American Creed, Fall 2019, poverty, Okemos High School, 1Poverty can be defined as “the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money...
Cops for Injustice
Jihan, , American Creed, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Black Lives Matter, Police, American Dream, American Creed, Black Lives Matter, Okemos High School, Police Brutality, 1One concept that has been paved in American minds is the American Creed. The American Creed includes the ideas...
In Little Fires Everywhere By Celeste Ng, a woman named Bebe Chow gives her child away fearing she cannot...
Words Buzzed Beneath
Chelsea, , Poetry, Fall 2018, Writing & Communication, Fall 2019, Showcase, Okemos High School, creative writing, 0When I was three Three maybe four She left us at that video store The words buzzed beneath the...
What does it mean to be American? There is no clear cut answer to that question as it differs...
Protected: Black Air Force Ones Linked to Violence?
Aidan, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 2There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Hispanic Equality or Inequality?
Angela, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Okemos High School, Argument essay, showcase, American values, #Latina/Hispanic, Fall2019, 3For the purpose of this argument, Hispanics and Latinos are used interchangeably. One of the monumental American values that...
Equality In America
Jonah, , Showcase, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Okemos High School, 3Being American is viewed differently by every person. I view it as being accepting and giving everyone an equal...
Contraction and Corruption in Our American Beliefs
Naomi, , Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, American Dream, Okemos High School, 2American beliefs and values are what this country is built on and how we unite ourselves as a nation....
End Goal: Equality
Lily, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Okemos High School, 1Accepting others, embracing differences, and learning about new cultures in our melting pot of a country are all parts...
Exploring Equality in America
Caroline, , Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, argument, American Creed, American dream, Fall 2019, 0Throughout history, Americans have changed and become different in their values and beliefs. Equality, as an example, started out...
How do we hold up these freedoms?
David, , American Creed, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, American Creed, Gun control, Okemos High School, 2American values, cultures, and creed can be interpreted in many different ways by very different people. This is what...
A Hot Take on the Gun Debate
William, , Fall 2019, Showcase, argument, American Creed, American dream, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 3Banning guns would be detrimental to American society. Guns are a large part of American heritage, and banning them...
What It Really Means To Be An American
Laya, , Showcase, American Creed, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 1There is no certain, definitive answer to the question that we ask ourselves day to day. What truly defines...
Living in America
Lauren, , Showcase, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 0I was struggling with writing this because to me, being an American means you’re a citizen of America. That’s...
What Does America Value?
Abhi, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, 1Freedom and equality are great pillars of the United States. We have always valued these pillars ever since the...
Martin Luther King’s Dream
Beverly, , Fall 2019, Clean Water and Sanitation, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, American Creed, American dream, Okemos High School, argument, 1Martin Lurther King Jr once said, “I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will...
Diversity in America
Catherine, , Showcase, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 1“This is America: a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light, in a broad and...
The Stigma of Mental Illness and Race in America
Olivia, , Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Okemos High School, Race, mental illness, American values, American Creed, america, 3Although America is looked at as a melting pot and an accepting nation we have always kept it in...
Land of the Free
Thomas, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Reduced Inequalities, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, Equality, freedom, American Creed, 1American culture, values, and creeds are all have different meanings to Americans. They are what makes you different from...
United We Stand
jack, , Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Fall 2019, america, Okemos High School, American values, American Creed, 4Since I grew up in America, being an American should be nothing new to me, but the concept of...
The American Dream and Social Equality
Navid, , Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, American Creed, This is America, Fall 2019, Reduced Inequalities, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 0The U.S. has long been known as a country with a perfect constitution providing liberty, equality, and the pursuit...
What it means to be American
Cooper, , American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Showcase, Okemos High School, 3What does it mean to be an “American”? An American is someone who has values like equality, or beliefs...
What does it mean to be American?
Benjamin, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 2Being American means different things to different people. Being American to me means having freedom, equality of genders and...
Are our American Values lost?
Sofie, , American Dream, American Creed, This is America, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, Immigration, Okemos High School, 0American values most important to the continued development of our culture are Social Equality and Equal Opportunity to obtain...
The American Dream Is No Longer
Taylor, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Okemos High School, American dream, Fall 2019, 0Back in the day, America was all about the American dream, but that dream has shifted. People wanted land,...
Your American values and beliefs come from the way you were raised as a child and form from certain...
Immigration Impacts American Values.
Rohan, , This is America, Showcase, Fall 2019, Rights, Decent Work and Economic Growth, No Poverty (Economy), Partnerships for the Goals, Refugees, Peer Interview, Immigration, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, history, American Creed, #Values, 2America is one of the most diverse countries in the world and you cannot say that is has one...
YES, The Government Does Protect The Environment
Aliko, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, environment, Okemos High School, 0There are many American values like personal control over the environment. The environment has become a huge discussion today...
Accepting America
Oscar, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, Equality, #American Creed #Equality #Acceptance, #Acceptance, 4Being an American is being accepting of all people. Before and at the beginning of our country, America was...
What Does It Mean To Be American?
Lauren, , Showcase, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 1One thing that stands out to me about being American is our patriotism. Every sporting event I have ever...
Why Education Fails
Nico, , Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, American Dream, Okemos High School, 7As Americans, we believe that schooling is one of the most important values and rights that define us into...
History Told Us What We Should Be
Baoyang, , American Dream, Argument, American Creed, This is America, Fall 2019, Showcase, american, American Creed, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, Equality, freedom, 2People from around the world and in the United State strive to achieve what’s recognized as the most important...
To be American is to fight
Prerna, , Fall 2019, Showcase, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, Equality, argument, american, American values, American Creed, American dream, equalrights, 5To be American is to be able to fight for both your freedom and the freedom of others that...
The Electoral College Is Broken
Alexander, , American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Showcase, Okemos High School, voting, Politics, 2I believe, and so do many other people I know, that a key value to american culture is the...
Is Money Over Valued?
Mikeala, , Showcase, No Poverty (Economy), Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Reduced Inequalities, Okemos High School, 2What do Americans value the most? Money, of course. They still value their rights and their freedom but money...
The Importance of Freedom to the American Creed
Jessica, , Showcase, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Okemos High School, 1Everyone values freedom. Nobody wants to live in an oppressed country. Specifically, people of minority races have been fighting...
How Music Helps Us Define What it Means to be American
Aidan, , Social Media, American Creed, War, Writing, Arts & Entertainment, Music, Fall 2019, Slavery, Showcase, Creative Writing, Protest, Okemos High School, American Creed, history, censorship, argument, vietnam, pop culture, lizzo, america, frank zappa, music, american, prince, Racism, 6American culture is forever changing and music is the best way to explore this. This is evident through the...
America vs Estonia: Why are people from other parts of the world so fascinated with America?
Dorothy, , Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, American Dream, Okemos High School, 1I have a friend, H, who lives in a small country in Europe called Estonia. She always talks about...
Why are Founding Documents so Important?
Madison, , Fall 2019, Showcase, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Okemos High School, 0Americans all have different cultures that bring us together. No two families have the exact same beliefs and values,...
Religious Freedom in America
Sloane, , Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Religion, Okemos High School, argument, American Creed, American dream, Fall 2019, religion, 2Religious freedom is an American value. Believing in who you want, how you want, if you want, and when...
Our Values, Our Rights
Ashleigh, , Fall 2019, Showcase, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Okemos High School, 0To be American is to take part in your country, it is to support your country even when some...
Equal Opportunity: The Key to Success
Eric, , Fall 2019, Showcase, Equality, argument, American values, American Creed, American dream, humanrights, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 0When our founding fathers established this country, a major proponent that they wanted in this United States was equality...
Do American Values Apply to Native Americans As Well?
Jasmine, , Partnerships for the Goals, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Showcase, Fall 2019, Equality, Treaty, history, American Creed, america, interview, Racism, United States, Natives, happiness, Native Americans, Okemos High School, Reservation, 3Can we, as the American people, agree that some important values include the rights to life, liberty, and the...
What it Means to be an American
Brendon, , American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Showcase, Okemos High School, 1What does it mean to be an American? You could do a survey of one-hundred people asking this question...
The Importance of Freedom and Equality
Owen, , Showcase, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 0Equality and freedom are two of the most important values in America. Equality is to have equal opportunities and...
The Big Stick and the Auto Worker
Drew, , Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Fall 2019, UAW, Okemos High School, Equality, freedom, united auto worker strike, 0When the constitution was written, our Founding Fathers knew nothing of the change that was going to be brought...
The Importance of Hard Work in America
Mitchell, , Argument, Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, discussion, american culture, American values, American Creed, #Values, culture, Okemos High School, history, hard work, argument, 3Hard work is an American value that has been extremely important throughout history. It is the backbone behind the...
My True Myself.
Calaia, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Okemos High School, 1My name is Calaia Hoskins, I am an overachiever and a hard worker. I was born on September 25th,...
Are you an American?
Jihan, , Showcase, American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 0I believe in America. My friends and family believe in America. My entire school believes in America. But what...
Freedom and Equality
Annie, , American Dream, Argument, American Creed, Fall 2019, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Equality, freedom, Okemos High School, 1When I think of what it means to be American the first things that comes to mind are equality...
My name is Husnain Khan and I live in Okemos, Michigan. Up until the age of four, I lived...
Me, Myself and I, three paragraphs about yours truly.
Joey, , Showcase, Bio, Fall 2019, Clean Water and Sanitation, Okemos High School, 8My name is Joey Shears, and yes I am a girl you can blame my parents for the name....
Valera's Introduction to Myself
I, too wanna state a purpose. I am the bad guy. They send me to rethink things about me...
How many, How much, It all depends on Us
Annie, , Read/Write Poems, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Environment & World, Fall 2019, Good Health and Well-Being, Poetry, Showcase, Creative Writing, Immigration, Climate Change, Gun Violence, drugs, Black Lives Matter, Okemos High School, Rape, mental health, College, Discrimination, 2How many children will die in school shootings? Depends on if we try to stop them. How many teens...
I Stayed Strong
Farah, , Refugees, This I Believe, Raise Your Voice, Read/Write Poems, Fall 2019, Showcase, Reduced Inequalities, Immigration, Poetry, Beauty, Happiness, Okemos High School, 0I celebrate who I am every second, Every minute, Of every day for the rest of my life. I...
Why, How, and When Is There Going To Be a Change?
Calaia, , Showcase, Poetry, Read/Write Poems, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 9Why are young lives being taken from us so fast? Because No one is listening to our voices Why...
We started off strangers but now we’re like brothers. Who would’ve thought someone would play such a big role...
Hard Work and Me
Dean, , This I Believe, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Spring 2019, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Okemos High School, 27I believe in hard work. Hard work never betrays. When I was in middle school my dad recommended that...
To Be Or Not To Be (Nice)
Sam, , Showcase, This I Believe, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Spring 2019, Okemos High School, #bealeader, 3I believe that being nice will further society. I have lived seventeen years on this world which has allowed...
The Influence of Expectations
Eric, , Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Spring 2019, Showcase, This I Believe, Okemos High School, 0The Influence of Expectations by Eric Chen.
Everything Happens For a Reason
Matthew, , This I Believe, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Spring 2019, Showcase, Michigan, Youthvoices, audiorecording, ibelieve, Okemos High School, #ThisIBelieve, 1I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. Even though it doesn’t always seem like what happened was...
Abi, , Showcase, Poetry, Spring 2019, Okemos High School, 2I am joyfulno matter the events that surround my lifeJoy can be found from the supernaturalfinding something so much...
ISO Adoff and Raccoon Violence
Grace, , Read/Write Poems, Writing & Communication, Spring 2019, Showcase, Poetry, Creative Writing, Okemos High School, 2The Universe News FlashYouare an insignificant littlespeck whose life will only addup to a less than a millisecond insome...
Everything You Can and Cannot See
Abi, , Showcase, Poetry, Where I'm From, Spring 2019, Okemos High School, 4I am from the soil underneath the groundAnd the light from the skyI am from the people you see...
along the coast of Lake Charlevoixa fire was lit and its warmth foughtwith the cold and humid wind andthe...
A Quick Match
Saheth, , Spring 2019, Showcase, Poetry, Gaming, Read/Write Poems, Okemos High School, 2in a game of clash royale yesterday,I summoned a minion horde to my opponents dismayand now I feel this...
I felt like I was in prison.Like I was being locked up for being different.Like I was separated for...
i sit watching the cloudsimplode into the horizonengulfing then releasing aruby red sun whose time issoon over but will...
Outtake Through the Intake
Alexander, , Showcase, Stories, Writing & Communication, Spring 2019, Okemos High School, 0“Hey Scott, what car do you want us to check the diff fluid on?” Cody, my friend and WTC...
You are forgetting how to sympathize because your egotistical mindset can get in the way of realizing that this...
I don’t want to be here But here I am I have no idea who these people are Yet...