This entry is part 29 of 105 in the series This I Believe
This I Believe
This I Believe
Persistence is the Key to Success

I believe that no matter what obstacles you are faced with persistence is the key to success.

I have been a long distance runner for 6 years now. Even though, that is still fresh in terms of the spectrum of distance runners I still consider myself experienced. It may not be the most glamorous passion but the amount of hours I’ve put in have shown their value.

I wouldn’t say distance running is about talent rather that what you put in is what you get out. To me distance running is all about persistence. It’s about going out there and putting in work every day.

I think of running like this: when I went for my first run I was handed a block of wood by my coach, and each time he told me to run, to speed up, to stick with it, he has helped me whittle that block of wood down.

Through that persistence, I can say that I took that block of wood and have been whittling it down for six years now.  Through persistence, I can say that I took my 2-mile time from a 14:51 to a 9:58. Through persistence, I can say that I went from only being able to run 2 miles to being able to run 13 miles every Monday.

Last cross country season I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia on top of already having severe asthma. But if it had not been for persistence I would not have seen the success my team, and I had. Without persistence, I would not have broken the 17-minute barrier three times and the 18-minute barrier eight times for the 5000. Without persistence, I would not have helped my team win the league meet, the regional meet, and place top 20 in the state of Michigan.

Persistence is no easing, thing times can get tough, but I always think to myself that I can get tougher. Gutting it out during a race can prove that to me.

If it wasn’t for persistence, I don’t know where I would be now, but I always keep this thought in the back of my mind: Little by little is the best way to whittle.

Photo by ™ Pacheco

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May 1, 2017 6:16 pm

Your post is very motivating as persistence does truly conquer all. Persistence is a great attribute to have on or off the track and will take you great places in life as you will never fear let downs, and continue to chase what is most desired. Thanks for the post!

May 1, 2017 5:02 pm

Hey Evan! I really like your outlook on persistence. I would agree with you that persistence is extremely important in life. I also really like how you ended this piece because I think it sums up your writing very well. Keep up the good work!

May 1, 2017 5:01 pm

I highly agree that persistence is essential if one wants to succeed, and I have experienced it as well. However, I experienced it in a different sport, which was swimming. I went from barely being able to swim in 6th grade, to 19th in the state for D2, all because I was willing to put in the work. I have seen this true among many of my peers, and it is one of the few things I consider essential to my being, as it has driven me to where I am today. I’m glad to have found a kindred spirit, and great job with this!

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