The First Part Last is a book that will change your opinion of having a baby at a young age and protect yourself from it. This boy named Bobby has a baby at the age of 16 named Feather. Before Feather Bobby used to escape from school and have fun with his friends K-Boy and J.L. They went to places like the Empire State building and did more things like playing basketball.       

Pages 26 – 49 of The First Part Last by Angela Johnson might leave a reader feeling bad  because he is just a kid that does whatever he wants to get out from school with his friend and he has a baby and it is hard for him to take care of her but the good thing is that he is doing his best to protect his baby. An example of this is on page 5. It says “skipped school with my running buddies, K-Boy and J.L., and went to Mineo’s for a couple of slices. Hit a matinee and threw as much popcorn at each other as we ate”. This is bad because Bobby needs to have a good future for himself to take care of his daughter Feather. Another example of what Bobby is doing is bad is that he needs to teach her right and wrong. 

A reader’s questions might start on page 8 where it says:  “Mary, my mom says I’m going to pay.” Put that baby down, Bobby. I swear she’s going to think the whole world your face”.” This is important because Bobby spends too much time with his daughter so that when he goes somewhere she is going to cry. Bobby’s mother can also help with Feather while he is in school too. The biggest conflict in the story so far is Bobby’s girlfriend. This event is important and confusing because Bobby never talks about his girlfriend until page 20 or 21. He only talks about his mom, daughter, and friends and not his girlfriend. The author seems to be making the point that he can take care of his daughter that he can do anything to be a good man.But in the other hand Bobby wants to be in the streets with his friend and skip class do what he wants.  

After this part of the book, most readers probably will understand more from the book because Bobby starts talking about more of his family and his girlfriend. I will be looking forward to reading the rest of this book because this book can change people’s thinking of having a baby. In page 51 it say “I was going to be late getting Feather to the sitter, I knocked on Coco’s door”. This sentence can show that some small things can slow your day more than you think. What’s probably going to happen next is that Bobby will leave his daughter Feather in the daycare and then go to school. Also this can affect how Bobby is doing in school because he was dropping his daughter in the daycare and will be late for school.

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January 14, 2020 2:42 pm

Dear Luis

I am amazed about this poem. Part two of the first part last . I was amazed because Bobby had a baby at a young age.
One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is” This boy named Bobby has a baby at the age of 16 named Feather. Before Feather Bobby used to escape from school and have fun with his friends K-boy and J.L.” I think this is upset because Bobby needs to have a good future for himself to take care of his daughter Feather. “Angela Johnson might leave a reader feeling bad because he is just a kid that does whatever he wants to get out from school with his friend and he has a baby and it is hard for him to take care of her but the good thing is that he is doing his best to protect his baby”. I stood that this will make people feel bad because he is very young to have a kid, and to live the life he lives. Thanks for you writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because your stories are interesting , and your stories are about things that’s going in some peoples life.

January 14, 2020 2:10 pm

Dear Luis,

I am fascinated about your letter “Part two of The First Part Last” because you show a plethora of information about the book , it also shows you are concerned about what’s going on and you’re trying to help others by preventing being a young parent.

One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is “This is important because Bobby spends too much time with his daughter so that when he somewhere she is going to cry”. I think is confusing because you are kind of contradicting yourself because It seems like the mother of the baby is not being with the baby but how is Bobby being such a bad father ?, if his with the baby all the time and taking her to daycare and going to school?

Another sentence that I agreed was “I will be looking forward to reading …this book can change people’s thinking of having a baby” This stood out for me because I think is a good way to spread a message to focus on school and not the streets like Bobby in the book.

I strongly agree with you that is a book that will change your opinion of having a baby at a young age. One reason I say this is because I’m a young mom but is never impossible , i think is really how much people are matured and what they are willing to do when you have a problem like this. Is hard but not impossible and if you’re not ready is best to stay in school and not in the streets.

Thanks for writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next, because situations like this are important to talk about.

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