This entry is part 66 of 77 in the series Othello
Othello Audio Reading 1.3.208-218

This is scene 1.3 lines 208 through 218 from the play Othello by Shakespeare. In this scene Desdemona is confronting her father after eloping with Othello. I am voicing Desdemona. I learned that the inflection of Desdemona’s voice can change the interpretation of the scene. For example, if she sounds angry and loud, it changes the audience’s entire perception of her. However, I chose to read this with a tone that shows she is struggling. She is passionate about her love for her father and her husband. Furthermore, her slow pace of talking helps the audience understand her strife and conflict in this difficult situation. I began to understand that Desdemona is truly loving, which makes the plot of the play that much more ironic and tragic.

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