Many people assume that since I am a person of color, I am dangerous or bad news. My Shadow Box contradicts this claim because on the inside it shows how I’m really just an empowering Latina (which is my race-a social construct that divides people into categories like power and privilege) who is on the road to be successful and unapologetic. I chosen to include important aspects of my life because I want people to see how there is a different story told through the inside of my Shadow Box than from the one told by my appearance. The story told by the inside of my Shadow Box is a Counter Narrative, the one told by my appearance is a Dominant Narrative. Inside of my Shadow Box I chose to include a phrase that said, “empower yourself” because I think I empower myself a lot when I’m feeling down, this is important because if I don’t empower myself who else will be there to empower me when I’m at my lowest point. To add on, I added my favorite artists on the inside of my Shadow Box because they show my chosen identity of being a music lover. I chose to be a music lover because artists sometimes give powerful messages through songs or sometimes I feel like songs embody my personality because they really connect with me. Moreover, on the outside of my box I put flowers because they represent how society stereotypes females as delicate little flowers with model bodies. Therefore, I constantly feel like I have to look and act like something I’m not so sometimes I empower myself by giving myself confidence that I am my own form of beauty. To conclude, the inside of My Shadow Box is my identities represented in a box.

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April 19, 2019 12:07 am

Hi Martha,
I am thrilled to see how you put together and explained your reasoning for your shadow box! You did an awesome job at using words that reflected your own self. I also really enjoyed the way you expressed how proud you are of what makes you, you! It is always nice to see young Latina girls be proud of where they come from. One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is: “Many people assume that since I am a person of color, I am dangerous or bad news.” I think this sentence was an awesome way to start your explanation on your shadow box because you went on to give reasons all the positive things a person of color does and thinks. Another sentence that I enjoyed was: “ My Shadow Box contradicts this claim because on the inside it shows how I’m really just an empowering Latina (which is my race-a social construct that divides people into categories like power and privilege) who is on the road to be successful and unapologetic.” This stood out for me because it is a factor that I can relate to as a Latina myself. It is important for us as Latina’s to strive for success and never give up. I will be graduating from SJSU this semester, and knowing how proud my parents will be is what kept me motivated. Remember to always reflect on how far you’ve came. Thanks for your sharing this post Martha! I look forward to seeing what you write next! Echale ganas, siempre.

April 17, 2019 3:33 am

Hey Ariana, I really love your shadow box especially when you added the words “empower yourself.” When you said, “I want people to see how there is a different story told through the inside of my Shadow Box than from the one told by my appearance,” I felt like this was a very strong line. I thought this stood out because everyone has a story to be told and I think it also relates to the quote “don’t judge a book by its cover.” I also appreciate how you added flowers on the outside of your box to represent society stereotypes because I think it is good to notice these type of stereotypes and know that everyone is beautiful, not just what society portrays as beauty.

October 24, 2018 6:32 pm

Dear Martha,
I love how you design your box and what images you include in your box. It also show how your family is important to you. I also like how in your statement you talk about the things people might assume about you just because your a female and your latina.

October 24, 2018 4:26 pm

Dear Martha,

I love your shadow box. I think your shadow box is cool because it has pictures of you when you were little and it shows your childhood. I like how you put a flower to show the stereotypes that women are delicate. My favorite line that you wrote is “ I put flowers because they represent how society stereotypes females as delicate little flowers with model bodies”. This is my favorite line because I feel like this quote has a lot of power and meaning in it. Thank you for writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next time!:)

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