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  • sbrandeburg
  • Profile picture of Sarah

    Sarah wrote a new post

    This research project focuses on the unfair bias present in the United States concerning immigrants and immigration. The purpose of this research is to uncover the bias in immigration policies and reveal

    The Bias in Immigration Policies

    Abstract This research project focuses on the unfair bias present in the United States concerning immigrants and immigration. The purpose of this research is to uncover the bias in immigration policies and reveal why there is a bias. This...

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    1 Comment
    • Sarah,

      This sounds like a very interesting paper. Dispelling the idea that immigration increases crime rates right off the bat is very effective, because I think that is the strongest argument against immigration. Also, most papers discussing this would likely not do anything more than discuss why it’s unfair, but it sounds like you also advocate for an alternative which I think is a great idea.

  • Joshua, I really like this. I have never heard of Alice Walker or her stories, but I loved what I read. She seems to be in touch with her soul and speaking the truth about society and humanity. I like how you used her analogy to bring up an issue in our society today. We don’t see a lot of empathy and sympathy nowadays, we live in a cruel world…Read More

  • Profile picture of Sarah

    Seiji, this seems like a really interesting research project. I find it interesting because often times you don’t hear about the corruptness in baseball as it is more of a low-key sport compared to football and basketball. I like the different ways you found that are being used to curb drug use in the MLB. I would love to see how it progresses as…Read More

  • Profile picture of Sarah

    Sarah wrote a new post

    I am researching the question of bias in immigration policies. I found a lot of useful research studies on pioneer that directly address the issue of bias and immigration. The first study was about California’s

    Immigrants get unfair discrimination

    I am researching the question of bias in immigration policies. I found a lot of useful research studies on pioneer that directly address the issue of bias and immigration. The first study was about California's Proposition 187 which deprives...

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    1 Comment
    • Hey. This seems really interesting, but you don’t seem to have any sources. I’m just wondering, because I’m questioning the legitimacy of this, or rather, you’re pushing a narrative that the American country hates immigrants, to which I would have to simply disagree.

  • Naomi, this post is personal, effective, and strong. I admire that you decided to write about your personal experience that ties into the problem of discriminatory immigration. I am currently writing a research paper on bias in immigration and reading this article really helped. This helps me prove a point, and I would love if I could use your…Read More

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