Grace wrote a new post
One of the biggest obstacles student-athletes face is knowing when and how to receive help. A lot of students find difficulty even wanting to look for help since mental illnesses are so looked down upon by
Grace wrote a new post
A majority of online resources claim that sports do improve one’s mental wellbeing. A lot of these websites provide links to outside resources backing up their claims, there is a surprising amount of data on the
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Grace commented on the post, Are Animals dying for our Needs?
This is a very interesting topic. As someone who works with animals in zoos and aquariums, a majority of the animals there are rescued, cannot be released back into the wild due to injuries or simply being bred into captivity, or are being rehabilitated. I think it’d be great to research this further in either animal testing or animal captivity.…Read More
Grace commented on the post, John Hughes' Influence Today
This is very interesting to look at. It is very apparent that Hughes is still influential today and I didn’t necessarily realize that. Maybe it would be good to look on the larger societal effect and how these tropes influenced by Hughes’ work have indirectly affected society.
Grace commented on the post, The Law Is Unjust
This is a really good project, you’ve obviously put a lot of thought into it. I like the message behind it, we should all be making a greater effort towards equality. Great job!
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Hi Grace,
This is an interesting approach to take in how sports can affect you. I’ve usually only seen all the evidence that points to sports being good for your mental health, but being able to see the other side of the coin is good as well. For example if a certain sport is someone’s whole and is taken away from them, their can be severe side effects such as depression and PTSD as you’ve mentioned above. I like how you mentioned that some websites that state sports are good for your mental health “don’t take a lot of factors into consideration, only the facts that the person is a student and they play a sport.” It’s important to look at all these factors of anything before diving into it. I thought you might like this article from the atlantic that talks about teen athletes struggle with mental health. (https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2019/04/teen-athletes-mental-illness/586720/). I really enjoyed this article and hope to see more writing from you in the future.