In the article, “Fake-ation?” (McGraw Hill) I learned that during the pandemic, although it was hard to have fun, many found their ways to experience the fun they had planned to have. An airport in Taiwan was contributed to bringing some type of comfort upon the community by hosting an ‘adventure’. In this event, the airport decorated the airport to look like different places of the world and would have ‘passengers’ board a plane (which would just drive them to a different gate) to visit ‘ a different place of the world’ and still get the international travel feel while remaining in place. They managed this by only allowing 90 people in each trip with all COVID measured placed and even had a social distancing app with Bluetooth technology installed that would alert people when they broke the six-feet apart rule.

Would you have attended to this event with your family, friends, and/or yourself?

I believe that this was a great idea for families to use their imagination and go on adventures that the virus stopped many from going on their planned trips. The airport went out of their way in order to make their community happy while still taking care of everyone which I think was a great example that although the pandemic brought much evil into the world, it proved and brought humanity together to a greater extent.

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May 1, 2022 11:23 pm

Dear Andrea,
I am intrigued by your post, “Imagine Your Own Adventures”, because the way the airport designed a fake trip to bring some joy to “passengers” is so interesting. I think this is such a cool experience and is an efficient way to be COVID safe. 

One sentence you wrote that stands out to me is “Bluetooth technology installed that would alert people when they broke the six-feet apart rule”. I think this is unique and makes me wonder how real this experience can really be. 

Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because your writing is very interesting. 

October 20, 2021 6:46 pm


I have never heard of the concept of a fake-ation before, so hearing about it, I think the entire concept is simultaneously hilarious and really cool. What a world we live in.
It’s a shame that it exclusive to Taiwan, because surely it would be enjoyed almost anywhere. Though it was not mentioned in the article, I wonder if this specific example of a fake-ation is something exclusively targeted towards children and a younger audience, or if it’s something that can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone who has been cooped up in their homes for too long. Additionally, were there any other places around the world that were offering fake-ations?
Thanks for the good read!

October 18, 2021 3:58 am

Dear Andrea, 

I am very impressed by your post, ” Imagine Your Own Adventures,” because it’s really cool that airports do those kinds of things so that people can have fun. You can at least go out for a while and de-stress and put aside a bit of worries about the virus. One sentence that you wrote that stands out for me is “Bluetooth technology installed that would alert people when they broke the six-feet apart rule.” I think this is great, because they can prevent people from catching it while having fun. And it’s a good thing that they can know that so they can tell people to break up and so it’s a good system.

Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next, because I was pleased to know that airports and other people understood that all people could not travel and did something for their customers. It is very good that people have other people in mind and care about them.

Samantha M.

October 15, 2021 4:31 pm

Dear Andrea L.

I am very impressed by your post, ” Imagine Your Own adventures,” because it gives some hope for people that like to travel. Also this informs us how everything change during the pandemic, before we used to enjoy and travel, but now is not the same anymore. One sentence the you wrote that stands out for me is “They managed this by allowing 90 people in each trip.” I think this is nice, because it gives a lot of hope to many people because now they can travel so they can visit family or places they like to visit.

Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next, because I like how you talk about Imagine your Own Adventures.

October 4, 2021 2:49 am

Dear Andrea L.

I am happy with your post, “Imagine Your Own Adventures,” because it gives us a sense of hope. Also informs us that despite the pandemic people were able to enjoy their daily lives. One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is: “In the article, “Fake-ation?” (McGraw Hill) I learned that during the pandemic, although it was hard to have fun, many found their ways to experience the fun they had planned to have.” I think this is cool because they found a problem with their solution. They may have not been able to do the exact activity they had planned but it was similar. Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because you choose to write about joy. 

Madai Villasenor 

October 1, 2021 5:50 pm

I like the idea and imagination behind this idea. I personally would not have participated in the experience because I was still a bit fearful of the pandemic. I chose to find fun in other ways, specifically by exploring the outdoors. I love that people are making a conscious effort to re-innovate and keep an open mindset.

October 1, 2021 5:49 pm

I think that idea is super interesting and I am curious to see if there are any pictures of this event. I doubt I would’ve gone to this event in the beginning/middle stages of the pandemic, but within the past few months with vaccines, I would totally check it out! I think it would be a cool idea to check out why the airport held the event, and check out how the airport paid for the event if they had no clients using their services in the midst of the pandemic.

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