My name is Sarah Cremer and I’m a junior at Judge Memorial. I’ve always loved writing. There’s so many different corners and walls that make up writing, but what I love most about it is its ability to grab all kinds of people. The best kind of writing is writing that so many different types of people can connect to. Its amazing when youread something that is so simple but it hits you in some incredible way that it won’t hit someone else. That’s why I wanted to become a journalist. I wanted to find ways to connect different people.

I have always really love music. I started learning how to play different instruments, like piano, flute, and ukelele, when I was about eight years old. I don’t ever remember it being stressful learning this whole other language of music. I felt like I could escape through it. I look at writing the same way. I get to tell a story that could be about anything in the world, and I’m able to be mindless while doing it. It isn’t stressful. I think that music helps me with writing. I’m using a language to connect on different levels.

I always think about all the places I’d like to travel to some day and if I’ll be able to. I wonder if I’ll be able to in the sense of what will happen to me in the future, but also in the sense of what’s going to happen to the world in the future. I mean, take away whether or not you believe in climate change and instead just look at Earth. We all know how to feel, and we all know how to care for things. We also know how to ignore those feelings and how to be careless. The Earth is huge! It’s where we live! And still, it’s so easy for some people to put the state of Earth at the back of their mind. I just wonder how. If I could interview anyone it would simply be someone with the exact opposite views of me. Not someone extreme, just a person with a different thought process.

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November 22, 2019 3:36 pm

I agree with your stances about writing and music, and overall like the points you bring up. While often not viewed as such, music is just as much a language as it is an art. Both music and writing are similar in the sense that the writing or music is telling a story.

My main problem with this article is the small tangent on climate change in the last paragraph. I agree with the points that are brought up, but overall they simply don’t fit in this article. The first half of the article is really well done as it displays the similarities of music and writing, but the bit on climate change doesn’t really connect with the rest. They would be better suited in another article. Overall, not a bad article.

November 21, 2019 8:58 pm

I understand what you say about writing, but I feel you’ve neglected to mention the true worth of writing. Writing is, in its purest form, the heart and soul of a person, entombed in words. Reading the works of persons who have lived through famous history, lived fascinating lives, or just simply have thoughts so wonderful that you couldn’t not want to hear what they have to say.

From the perspective of a young adult living in the twenty-first century, reading the thoughts and emotions of someone who’s lifestyle and experiences are so far removed from my own is incredibly powerful. Books put tears in our eyes. They tell stories that teach us lessons we wouldn’t have found on our own. The best books I’ve read have literally transposed memories onto me, from those memories I draw on the knowledge and advice of these prolific authors. Most amazingly, they can take two people who never have met, whom one may be dead and the other would be alien to the writer, and they can bridge the gap between the two belligerents in a way that transcends merely ink paper and into a meaning that is only understood through the whole message, the book in its entirety.

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