Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter. All of these are renowned social media platforms that a large majority of people use...
Archive for category: Technology & Computer Science
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When Will Mars Be Colonized?
Nicholas, , Space, Technology, Science & Math, Showcase, colonization, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, space, 2Before even discussing Mars, we must first discuss the sake of the colonization of the Moon, because it is...
Social Media and Impressionable Audiences
Ava, , Showcase, Social Media, Habits of Mind, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Judge Memorial, 5I chose this question because social media and its effect on impressionable minds is something that I’m passionate about,...
#1 Attribute: Employs a Public Voice Dimension: Rhetorical Choices My Strengths: In my writing, I demonstrate awareness of my...
(before revision) I am excited about the potential of AI to revolutionize many industries and improve people’s lives. However,...
Understanding the Interesting AI
Darryl, , Technology, Writing & Communication, Spring 2023, Showcase, showcase, SLA@Beeber, #BeeberBlurb, 1Using AI has a very unique feel to it. From past classroom experiences, this is a game changer because...
How AI Has Helped Me
Anisa, , Showcase, Technology, Writing & Communication, SLA@Beeber, #BeeberBlurb, 1Before: AI mojo in the Youth Voices digital platform has proven to be helpful in many ways. For example,...
youth voices and AI
Sole, , Showcase, Quality Education, Technology, Thinking about your thinking (Metacognition), Applying past knowledge to new situations, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, AI, Spring 2023, slab_blurb, SLA@Beeber, #beebberblurb, 2AI (artificial intelligence) technology and being a part of a community like Youth Voices have been beneficial for me...
AI: Friend or Foe?
Isaiah, , Showcase, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, #BeeberBlurb, SLA@Beeber, 2Isaiah Singleton BEFORE AI ALTERATION – DRAFT How does it feel to use AI in Youth Voices? The world...
Methane Natural Gas Rocket Fuel: A Breakthrough for Aerospace Research
Luke, , Space, Technology, Environment & World, Science & Math, sustainability, Climate Action, rocket testing, methane, aerospace, rocket fuel, space, 0 This article speaks about the transition to the use of methane natural gas as a main fuel for...
Space Technology’s Impact on Crop Cultivation
Luke, , Space, Technology, Climate Action, Environment & World, Technology & Computer Science, technology, farming, Agriculture, data, satellite, space, 0The article “Tenchijin Harvests New Variety Rice Adopted to Climate Change by Space Big Data and IoT Technology” is...
Potential Benefits, Risks of Artificial Intelligence.
John C, , Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Environment & World, Technology & Computer Science, Responsible Consumption and Production, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Inquiry, Questioning and posing problems, Social Media, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Media, Technology, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Artificial Intelligence, 0Are we handing over our fate to technology? This article brings up potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence...
How Space Technology Has Been Essential to Studying Climate Change
Luke, , Technology, Climate Action, Environment & World, Science & Math, Space, technology, Space Exploration, Climate Action, Global Warming, Climate Change, 0This article argues that humanity’s ventures to space and use of space technology have resulted in a greatly improved...
The collapse of FTX and BlockFi
Luke, , Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Technology & Computer Science, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Responding with wonderment and awe, Thinking interdependently, Fall 2022, Showcase, Media, AI, Crypto, FTX, bankruptcy, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Citation Sigalos, MacKenzie, and Rohan Goswami. “Crypto Firm Blockfi Files for Bankruptcy as FTX Fallout Spreads.” CNBC, CNBC, 29...
Can you trust what you see on TikTok?
Omar, , Fall 2022, Social Media, Media, tiktok, Orange Cove High School, 3The article, “Can You Trust What You See on TikTok?” (Upfront, Tsu, 2022), talks about the spread of videos containing false information on the popular social...
Modern Day Druidry
Jimmy, , Religion, History, Technology, Community, Fall 2022, culture, Nature, Orange Cove High School, religion, environment, 2Oh world, oh so digitalized. Our love, medicalized. No time for nature. No time for the world around us....
Addicted to Our Phones
Antonia, , Technology, Good Health and Well-Being, Thinking flexibly, Questioning and posing problems, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Fall 2022, Showcase, Media, addiction, Orange Cove High School, 15In the article, “Are You Addicted to Your phone?” (Upfront, Bubar, 2018) many people, especially teens, are becoming more...
The Long Road Ahead
Brian, , Transportation, History, Technology, Environment & World, Orange Cove High School, 1In the article, “The Long Road Ahead” (upfront, 2018) I learned that self-driving vehicles can be safer than having...
The Effects of Student Debt
Geidi, , Politics, Social Media, Debt, Orange Cove High School, College Costs, 2In the article, “Drowning in Debt” (Upfront, Bubar, 2020) I learned that those colleges who take advantage of the...
China’s Surveillance System
Nicole, , Police, Technology, government, technology, china, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, “One Nation, Under Surveillance” (Upfront, Mozur, 2022) I learned that the people of China are constantly...
The untold truth about memes
Juan, , Social Media, Arts & Entertainment, Everyday Use, Orange Cove High School, 6In the article “The sneaky truth about memes” (upfront, Laura Anastasla 2021). I learned that memes sometimes have a...
The Future of Self-Driving Cars
Humberto, , Technology, Arts & Entertainment, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, “The Long Road Ahead” (Upfront, Katzman, 2022) I learned that self-driving cars were expected to be...
Social Media and Its Effects on Nature
Christian, , Nature, Social Media, Technology & Computer Science, Nature, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, “Is Social Media Ruining Nature?” written by Chrisanne Grise (Upfront, 2019), I learned about the negative...
“I Am” Scratch Proposal
Diana, , Letter to Colleagues, Showcase, Quality Education, Scratch, Finding Humor, Listening with understanding and empathy, Thinking about your thinking (Metacognition), Summer 2022, scratch project, LUTE-STEM, 0Dear Natalie Kuhl, There was a lot to think about and to consider how to apply in the classroom,...
Youth Voices Turns Twenty: Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Paul, , Thinking interdependently, Summer 2022, Showcase, Technology, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Teachers as Learners, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Youth Voices, nowcomment, 0What has changed in the two decades since we launched Youth Voices might be described as a digital transformation...
Proposal Letter Implementing Habits of Mind
Regina, , Summer 2022, Letter to Colleagues, Showcase, Quality Education, Scratch, Habits of Mind, Habits of Mind, Letter to Colleage, LUTE-STEM, 6Dear Colleague, Recently, I participated in a professional learning experience with LUTE-STEM at Lehman College. I learned a great...
Regina Multimodal Post
Regina, , Writing & Communication, Technology & Computer Science, Literary Essay, Habits of Mind, Regina, scratch, 0Now texts readers have become radically different I am learning to change the way provide readers materials that meet...
New Technology to Stop Drunk Drivers
Brenda, , Media, Technology, Orange Cove High School, #Technology #Future, 0The article, “YOU DECIDE Cars That Stop Drunk Driving?” (McGraw Hill) elaborates on the possibility of having cars that...
Rise of A.I.
Yaseen, , Technology & Computer Science, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Questioning and posing problems, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Remaining open to continuous learning, Spring 2022, Showcase, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Orange Cove High School, 6In the article, “The Rise of A.I.” (Upfront login required) I learned that we interact with A.I. regularly. A.I....
Actor Makes History at Oscars
Maria Z, , Social Media, Oscars, Goals, Media and Message, Media, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article ” Actor makes history at Oscars” i learned that, On Sunday night March 27, 2022, Troy...
1984 Controversial
James, , Social Media, Spring 2022, 2022, Orange Cove High School, OrangeCoveHighSchool, 0In the article “1984 Censored Existence”(McGraw Hill) I learn that he Party controls every source of information, managing and...
Screen Time: How much Should Children Have ?
Karen Sr, , Quality Education, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Showcase, Screentime, Orange Cove High School, 3In the article, “What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to Children’s Brains?” by Isabella, I was able to...
Repatriation of Lakota Tribe Items
Christopher, , Media, Algorithms, Orange Cove High School, #LAKOTATRIBE, 0In the article, “Lakota Petitions Scottish Museum for Return of Artifacts” (BTW) I learned that a group of descendants...
Relationship between Screen Time and Children
Yaseen, , Psychology, Technology, technology, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, “What Does Too Much Screen Time Do to Children’s Brains?” (Upfront) I learned that screen time...
what’s going on with Russia and Ukraine
Felipe, , War, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, health, 0In the article” Russia Invades Ukraine” (BTW) I learned that Putin actually began to station troops on the Ukraine...
Free Speech Case
Ashley G, , Quality Education, Social Media, free speech, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, ¨School Social Meda Free Speech Case (Mc Graw Hill) I learned that your principal can´t regulate...
Should schools control the students’ social media?
Angel G, , Media, Writing, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, #school, #socialmedia, 0In the article ¨Should schools be allowed to control students social media posts?¨ I learned that school should not...
Unique Stories
Saray, , Sports, Technology, Goals, Good Health and Well-Being, technology, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, ‘Finding Your Way (band) in science and technology I learned that even under difficult circumstances challenges...
Goldfish Adapting to a New Era
Ana, , Creating, imagining, and innovating, Technology, animal testing, Orange Cove High School, 0In the short read, “These Fish Can Drive” (Upfront) I learned that six goldish were tested to operate a...
Green Energy
Aaliyah, , Call to Action, Technology, Orange Cove High School, #Energy, #ecofriendly, 0in the article, “The Transition to Green Energy” (Thomas, Youthvoices) I learned that there are many benefits when it...
Social media is bad for the brain!
Jeramiah, , Call to Action, Social Media, Bullying, bullying, Social Media, mental health, Orange Cove High School, 5In the article ¨ The Implementation of Social Media in school ¨ (McGraw Hill) I learned that social media...
Phone Addiction
Fatima, , Family, Media, Technology & Computer Science, Orange Cove High School, Cellphones, 1In the article, ” The Importance of Cell Phone Addiction” I learned how cell phones impact our everyday lives....
Russia and Ukraine tensions are Rising
Angel G, , War, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, #russia, #Ukraine, 0In the article ¨Tensions Rising between Russia and Ukraine¨ I learned that Ukraine has tried to establish alliances with...
No Summer Break?
Andrea L, , Quality Education, Student-Centered, Algorithms, school, teens, mental health, 0In the article, Is Year-Round School a Good Idea? (Upfront), I learned that there has been some controversy about...
Pros and Cons of a Retailer
Felipe, , Career & Job Readiness, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, retailers, 0In the article “Careers: Retail”(McGraw Hill) I learned that one of the big advantages of a retail career is...
Fish Out Of Water
Israel, , Research Help, Technology & Computer Science, Orange Cove High School, #fish, 0In the article “fish out of water” (BTW) it is reported that two Israeli sceintists have been teaching two...
Digital Apparel: The New Form of Shopping
Ana, , Technology, Design & Style, Orange Cove High School, #Fashion, 0In the article, “Is the World Ready for Virtual Fashion” (Upfront) I learned that some companies have introduced outfits...
Cars that stop drunk driving
Nichole, , Everyday Use, Technology, #invetion, Orange Cove High School, 0In november of last year a bill was passed by biden, this bill included a demand for car makers...
Should cars prevent Drunk Driving?
Joseph, , Media, Call to Action, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, driving, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, “Cars That Stop Drunk Driving?” I learned that congress passed a law that demands U.S. automakers...
Anti-drunk driving vehicles?
Ashley P, , Technology, Orange Cove High School, #NoDrunkDriving, #drunkdriving, 0In the article, ¨Cars That Stop Drunk Driving?¨ by McGraw Hill we are informed of the upcoming technology being...
Cars That Stop Drunk Driving?
Christian, , Environment, Technology & Computer Science, #NoDrunkDriving, OrangeCoveHighSchool, 0In 2026, the new safety system is putting in vehicles to stop drunk people from driving cars. It was...
Are electric cars worth it or not?
Angel G, , Transportation, Technology, Science, Orange Cove High School, #cars, 1In the article ¨What is better, gas or electric powered cars¨ I learned the pros and cons of using...
Asher, , Language, Read/Write Poems, Arts & Entertainment, Writing & Communication, Youth Activism, Stress, Point of View, Teachers as Learners, Scratch, NowComment, Oscars, Questioning and posing problems, Memoir Photos, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Teachers, 1I believe that teachers have a negative impact on student lives such as bad teachers and toxic environments such...
Permanent cure for the flu
Monica, , Technology & Computer Science, Good Health and Well-Being, Thinking flexibly, Remaining open to continuous learning, Fall 2021, Showcase, Argument, Science, Orange Cove High School, worldwide issues, 3In the article, “Permanent Cure for the Common Cold” (BTW) I learned that when the temperature started to change...
Have We Become Too Reliant on Electronics?
Shawn, , Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Wonder, Thinking flexibly, Point of View, Questioning and posing problems, Remaining open to continuous learning, Media, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, computers, technology, Tablets, Reliance, addiction, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, phones, 12Have we become too reliant upon our electronics? There are many different arguments that support this question and there...
What is Better Gas or Electric Powered Cars?
Vivianne, , Technology, Environment & World, Fall 2021, Orange Cove High School, #Climate change, 3In the article “Is America Ready for Electric Cars?”(Upfront) I learned about electric cars and the pros and cons...
Does fame change a person?
Jonathan A, , Social Media, History, Fall 2021, Orange Cove High School, #FAME, 1In the article”How fame Change A Person” (McGraw Hill) I learned that people change their way how to act...
Is Technology Harmful or Beneficial?
Isaiah, , Media, Technology, Good Health and Well-Being, Fall 2021, #judgememorial, technology, mental health, 1Computers and technology are advancing at a fast rate which is helping improve many aspects of our society and...
Privacy? Never Heard of It.
Gabriel, , Privacy, Technology & Computer Science, Social Media, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, privacy, Social Media, 1In our interconnected lives, everything we do is online. Whether that is talking to friends or playing games, to...
Social Media
John, , Social Media, Technology & Computer Science, Social Media, teens, mental health, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1According to a study by the mayo clinic, “13- to 17-year-olds found that 45% are online almost constantly and...
Online Voting
Alexis, , Questioning and posing problems, Remaining open to continuous learning, Fall 2021, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Voting, Technology, voter fraud, voting, Orange Cove High School, 0In the article, “Voting By Phone” (McGraw Hill) I learned that many Americans believe that they should be able...
Saudia Arabia Builds Unusual Amusement Park
Israel, , Responding with wonderment and awe, Remaining open to continuous learning, Fall 2021, Showcase, Technology, Arts & Entertainment, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Questioning and posing problems, Saudi Arabia, Orange Cove High School, 0The article “Saudi Arabia builds unusual amusement park” discussed how a 150,000-square-foot oil rig in Saudi Arabia is being...
Should Schools Control Our Social Media?
Karen SI, , Questioning and posing problems, Remaining open to continuous learning, Fall 2021, Showcase, Quality Education, Social Media, #socialmedia, Orange Cove High School, #school, 1In the article, “YOU DECIDE School Social Media Free Speech Case” (McGraw Hill) I learned that if schools should...
Should Citizens Go Space Traveling?
Ruendi, , Questioning and posing problems, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Showcase, Remaining open to continuous learning, Fall 2021, Space, Technology, Environment, Science, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, worldwide issues, #NASA, #Economy, controversies, Orange Cove High School, 1In the article, “Civilian Space Travel” (McGraw Hill), I learned that in September 2021 four people, a CEO, a...
Celebrities and Public Standards
Isabella, , Fall 2021, Media, Music, Showcase, Questioning and posing problems, Gender Equity (Women), Gathering data through all senses, Beauty, Remaining open to continuous learning, Social Media, self-expression, mental health, Self-Confidence, celebrity activism, #Fightingbeautystandards, RHS, 4Nearly everyday, celebrities appear in the news, whether it be to bring them down or hype them up, but...
Digital Poison
Hannah B, , Social Media, Good Health and Well-Being, Questioning and posing problems, Remaining open to continuous learning, Fall 2021, Showcase, instagram, RHS, 4Take a minute to stop scrolling, liking and posting on social media. Just be present. This is something society...
Perfect is Overrated
Julia, , Showcase, Social Media, Technology & Computer Science, Good Health and Well-Being, Questioning and posing problems, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Gathering data through all senses, Fall 2021, perfectionism, RHS, 3In recent years, tech companies that run popular social media platforms have found ways to manipulate and control what...
Is social media bad for our health?
Jonathan A, , Social Media, History, Spring 2020, Good Health and Well-Being, Orange Cove High School, #health, 0In the article¨The Implementation of Social Media in school¨ (McGraw Hill) I learned that social media could be bad...
In the article, “ United States VS. Google” (btw) I learned that the government accuses the internet search giant...
Cell Phone Horns
Maria Z, , Research Help, Technology, Science, Technology & Computer Science, cell phones, teens, Orange Cove High School, 3In the document “Cell Phone Horns” i learned that Last month, a story hit the news that scared a...
Social media is deeply rooted in so many issues in today’s society and is very harmful for teens. 3...
How Will Bees Be Used With The New Discovery?
Ruendi, , Technology, Science, Bio, COVID Around the World, Nature, science, technology, bees, Orange Cove High School, Covid 19, #pandemic, 1In the article, “These Bees Can Smell Covid”, (New York Times, Upfront) I learned that bees can smell COVID...
Looking for a job in TikTok
Angel G, , Social Media, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Orange Cove High School, #tiktok, #socialmedia, 0In the article, “Finding a job by TikTok” I learned that people can find a job in TikTok in...
Is the Core i3 Processor really out of date?
Alex M, , Fall 2021, Wonder, Technology & Computer Science, CPU, Electronics, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2The Core i3 CPU Processor is out of date. When you are looking for a laptop I would recommend...
Artificial Intelligence
John, , History, War, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Violence, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Politics, technology, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Artificial Intelligence, military, 0Frankenstein’s Monster, Hal 9000, the Terminator, and Robocop are examples of dangerous artificial intelligence pieces dating back to the...
REAL OR NOT? How to Fact-Check the Internet
Luis, , Social Media, Remaining open to continuous learning, student, 0In the article “How to Fact-Check the Internet” (Upfront), I learned that many things on the internet that seem...
In the article, “Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid?”(Upfront) I learned that people have different reasons on whether smartphones make...
Different countries love social media
Jonathan A, , Social Media, Technology & Computer Science, #social media, 0In the article, ¨These Countries Love Social Media¨(McGraw Hill) I learned that different countries have different percentages of loving...
Social Media Free Speech
Christopher, , Fall 2021, Showcase, Quality Education, Social Media, free speech, Orange Cove High School, Social Media, 20In the article, “YOU DECIDE School Social Media Free Speech Case” (BTW) we see that there was controversy on...
Youth Activism and Social Media
Isabella, , Showcase, Fall 2021, Black Lives Matter, Gender Equity (Women), Social Media, Women in Action, Youth Activism, #youthactivism, #BLM, #womenslife, #YouthInPower, RHS, #socialmedia, 4Although social activism is nothing new, the execution of it has changed over time. Throughout history, one can see...
Why am I Always Tired, and What can I do about it?
Araxan, , Community, Habits of Mind, Guides, Algorithms, Fall 2021, health, food, psychology, diet, sleep, 0It’s just after lunch and you’re in your next class. You feel the weight of your eyelids rapidly increase...
Changes for Better
Samantha, , Showcase, Poetry, Social Media, Point of View, Reduced Inequalities, Fall 2021, Orange Cove High School, changes, 2I read a poem that’s called “WE NEED TO CHANGE.” It is interesting because it’s true that some ways...
School Social Media Free Speech Case
Christian, , Fall 2021, Showcase, Quality Education, Rights, Social Media, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, 4In the article “School Social Media Free Speech Case”, I learned that a fourteen-year-old student Brandi Levy didn’t make...
Should private social media posts be regulated by school administrators?
Sophia, , Showcase, Quality Education, Social Media, Community, Fall 2021, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, 3In the article, “School Social Media Free Speech Case” I learned that people have different overviews on whether or...
Can We Learn to Control the Weather ?
Nichole, , Showcase, Technology, Climate Action, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Fall 2021, Climate Change, Orange Cove High School, 3In the article “Can a giant lazer control the weather?” ( mcGraw Hill) it discusses a 29.5 foot long...
Monitoring for safety or violating freedom of speech?
Ashley P, , Privacy, Social Media, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, 0What boundaries should schools set on their students’ actions outside of school or should they be able to even...
“coding” my view!
Abigail, , Showcase, Scratch, Summer 2021, Algorithms, Lehman College, LUTE-STEM, 3What is coding ? People usually say that Coding is a skill where you take instructions (the steps in...
Am I Capable of Computer Science?
Aniya, , Summer 2021, Algorithms, Showcase, Scratch, Technology & Computer Science, LUTE-STEM, algorithms, Lehman College, 2How can we encourage a growth mindset amongst students regarding Computer Science? How can we motivate students to believe...
Computational Thinkers NOT Robots
Maritza, , Showcase, Scratch, Technology & Computer Science, Summer 2021, Algorithms, Lehman College, LUTE-STEM, 7How can parents support the development of computational thinking in young children? People usually say that children are too...
Why it is important to be introduced to Scratch?
Mirseda, , Showcase, Scratch, Summer 2021, Lehman College, LUTE-STEM, 2Why is important to know Scratch? People usually do not agree with the idea that Scratch he’s students to...
Will teaching children to code in early educational settings have a positive impact on students’ education performance? People usually...
Scratch Programming: My Starting Journey
Khurram, , Showcase, Scratch, Technology & Computer Science, Summer 2021, Algorithms, algorithms, scratch, Programming, LUTE-STEM, 4Why should students learn through examples rather than through direct information? People usually say that students do not need to...
Diving head first into Scratch – and hoping it’s not the shallow end!
Jennifer, , Remaining open to continuous learning, Algorithms, Showcase, Thinking flexibly, Thinking about your thinking (Metacognition), Applying past knowledge to new situations, LUTE-STEM, scratch, journal, 2Marina wrote an inquiry exploring the ways we could use computational thinking in the writing workshop process. I was...
Marina’s Scratch Funhouse
Marina, , Scratch, Technology & Computer Science, Summer 2021, Algorithms, Showcase, LUTE-STEM, 4How can computational thinking be authentically integrated into writing workshop? People usually say that computational thinking is more connected...
What is media good for?
Gabriel, , Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Social Media, Media, Spring 2021, Media Bias, Negative Effect, Orange Cove High School, 1During World War II, people idolized FDR and his fireside chats with radio as a primary source of information....
Video Games
Litzy, , Creating, imagining, and innovating, Sports, Gaming, Technology, Orange Cove High School, #videogames, #sports, 1In the article, “Is Video Gaming a Sport?” I learned that almost 100 million people watched one of the...
Is it time for Driverless Cars?
Zhelanea, , Showcase, Technology, Environment & World, Cars, Orange Cove High School, 1The article, “Are Driverless Cars a Good Idea?” explains how the evolving technology in the future might allow for...
Is AI Being Biased?
Diana, , Showcase, Media, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Spring 2021, gender, Orange Cove High School, a.i, company, 3Artificial intelligence and technology is being used on a daily basis not only by teenagers but by companies as...
Social Media & Nature
Dominique, , Spring 2021, Showcase, Social Media, Good Health and Well-Being, life, benefits, Nature, Social Media, people, Orange Cove High School, 0Many people believe that social media is ruining nature, but is it really? Social media is not ruining nature...
The Journey to Extremism
Lilly, , Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Social Media, This is America, Spring 2021, alt-right, Politics, Social Media, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, youtube, 1In recent months, political extremism has become more and more apparent in America. Due in part to the rise...
Media Bias on Social Injustice
Miles, , Spring 2021, Showcase, Quality Education, Social Media, Media, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Media Bias, News, 2The media has a significant amount of influence on our values and opinions on certain issues and topics. As...
Do Not Believe Everything You See Online
Juan, , Music, Arts & Entertainment, Sports, Art, Social Media, Orange Cove High School, Bots, Fake, government, Social Media, 2Nothing everything you see online is true. Some posts or comments can mislead you into something else so irrelevant...
Cashless Businesses
Litzy, , Technology, Privacy, This is America, Spring 2021, Media, Orange Cove High School, Money, america, 0In the article, “Should Cashless Businesses Be Banned” I learned that in the past few years there has been...
Are Big Tech Companies Too Strong?
Cristian, , Showcase, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Fall 2020, technology, Orange Cove High School, 0The main, talked-about tech companies, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook are used every single day 24 hours a day....
Is big tech too powerful?
Dulce, , Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Technology, Orange Cove High School, technology, 1The article involving technology by Joe Bubar explains how technology has now taken upon our lives and is much...
Is Google/Facebook a threat to technology?
Zhelanea, , Showcase, Social Media, Media, Technology, Privacy, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, technology, Orange Cove High School, 1In the article, “Is Big Tech Too Powerful” I learned those top internet companies such as Google, and Facebook...
Have Big Techs Become Too Powerful?
Yamile, , Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Showcase, Social Media, Media, Technology, Media and Message, technology, Social Media, Tech, Orange Cove High School, 4The article, “Is Big Tech Too Powerful?” explains how our lives revolve around technology and how tech companies are...
Is Big Tech Getting Out of Hand?
Juan, , Social Media, Technology, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Fall 2020, Showcase, future, Monopoly, Social Media, Tech, Orange Cove High School, 2021, Google, Amazon, 0In the article, “Is Big Tech Too Powerful,” I learned that big corporations such as Google and Amazon are...
Due to the Coronavirus, eLearning is an effective way to reduce the spread of the virus, and provide academic...
Body positivity
Melody, , Social Media, Fall 2020, Media, Writing & Communication, Showcase, Poetry, Gender Equity (Women), #BodyImage, #empathy, #Positivity, #Emapthy, The U School, #the us school, #goodvibes, #poems, #inspirational, #poem, #body positivite, 11People told me that I shouldn’t show my skin or that I’m not perfect enough or fit enough to...
Harmful Effects Social Media Has on the Mental Health of Teens
Katie, , Showcase, Social Media, Good Health and Well-Being, Fall 2020, RHS, #socialmedia, #mentalhealth, 8In my last blog post, I expressed the idea that social media hinders people’s ability to communicate and truly...
Social Media and Social Change
Maia, , December 2020, Showcase, Quality Education, Social Media, Fall 2020, education, Social Media, social justice, RHS, social change, 4“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” – Herbert Spencer (“Herbert Spencer Quotes”) It is a...
Virtual classes, advantage or disadvantage?
Emily, , Technology & Computer Science, Fall 2020, Showcase, Quality Education, Media, Student-Centered, student health, education, school, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2Virtual classes have gotten to their peak this past year. Many of these reasons are not only because of...
Technology advancement
Gage, , Technology & Computer Science, Design & Style, Nature, Technology, Climate Action, Environment & World, future, technology, air, 1Fuel cell technology is evolving into a new system of fuel cell technology. That advancement has been advanced to...
Negative Health Impacts of E-Learning
Isabella, , Coronavirus, Fall 2020, Technology, COVID-19, #RHS, 0Due to the Coronavirus, e-learning is an effective way to reduce the spread of the virus, while providing students...
Should We Ban Cashless Businesses?
Yamile, , Showcase, Technology, Coronavirus, Business, showcase, Orange Cove High School, 2In the article, “Should Cashless Businesses Be Banned?” there’s a debate on whether to get rid of establishments that...
Your Hair, Your Right?
Alondra, , Youth Activism, Race Relations, Good Health and Well-Being, NowComment, Rights, Social Media, Point of View, Writing, Rights of the People, African-Americans, Rights, humanrights, Orange Cove High School, 1In the article “Your Hair, Your Right?” by Joe Bubar it argues that there should be a law passed...
What the Internet Really Knows About You
Heidi, , Media and Message, Social Media, Media, Technology, phones, computer privacy, internet, 0In the article “What the Internet Really Knows About You” by Zeynep Tufekci is about how you have to...
Melissa, , Social Media, Arts & Entertainment, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Fall 2020, Showcase, youtube, Orange Cove High School, 3On February 14, 2005, YouTube was activated and has developed throughout the years. The first video was uploaded on...
Should there be a restriction on how much data technology companies are allowed to collect on you?
Gus, , Showcase, Technology, Fall 2020, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, privacy, 3My inquiry question was, “Should there be a restriction on how much data technology companies are allowed to collect...
Virtually Traveling is a Thing Now?
Diana, , Showcase, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Fall 2020, flight, pilot, tokyo, virtual, technology, Orange Cove High School, airline, 4This unexpected virus has stopped people from enjoying everyday things such as family gatherings, going to amusement parks, attending...
In the article, “Are Driverless Cars a Good Idea?” I learned that there are many positive and negative features...
Challenging America
Owen, , American Dream, American Creed, This is America, Journalist Bio, Reduced Inequalities, Fall 2020, Showcase, Social Media, American values, American Creed, Okemos High School, 3We are repetitively being told by schools and politicians to have pride in our country and its values. Values...
Is Social Media Bad?
Cristian, , Technology, Life Skills & Fitness, Technology & Computer Science, Fall 2020, Showcase, health, life, Tech, 1Everyone today is always on social media. A social platform where you can connect with others across the world....
When photos lie…
Alondra, , Photography, Writing, Showcase, Youth Activism, Social Media, Fall 2020, Media, Social Media, News, photo, #socialissue, Fake News, Orange Cove High School, 4In the articles “When Photos Lie” by Laura Anastasia and Mary Kate Frank the argument is that when navigating...
Are We Ready for Drive Less Cars?
Cristian, , Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Fall 2020, Showcase, technology, Tech, Orange Cove High School, #Technology #Future, #Tesla, 5Drive less cars are a very a big thing to this day. Let’s talk about Tesla a fast growing...
Big Data
Gus, , Showcase, Call to Action, Technology, Fall 2020, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, big data, 3Question: Should there be a restriction on how much data technology companies are allowed to collect on you? This...
Is a smartphone affecting us?
Fatima, , Technology, Fall 2020, Showcase, History, Orange Cove High School, technology, 3Young people are mostly the ones who are more into smartphones and technology. It is not completely true that...
Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid?
Heidi, , Showcase, Media, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Fall 2020, Smartphones, Orange Cove High School, 0Many people that believe that smart phones are making us stupid and others believe that smartphones is actually really...
Is Your Cellphone Draining Your Intelligence?
Yamile, , Fall 2020, Showcase, Quality Education, Technology, cell phones, Orange Cove High School, 4In the article, “Are smartphones Making Us Stupid?” there’s a debate between two technology experts Andrew Keen and David...
Social Distancing Now
Cassie, , Spring 2020, Coronavirus, March 2020, Showcase, Beauty, Social Media, Social Class, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Social Distacing, 6Researchers say that COVID-19 has been rapidly spreading due to the movements of people with no or very mild...
Tech Companies And Americans Distrust of Them
Cesar, , Media, Technology, Fall 2019, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, January 2020, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, technology, 1As we all know, we are getting closer to have some advances of technology. In which we get amazed...
Tablets or Textbooks for School?
Matt, , Showcase, Quality Education, Media, Technology, Fall 2019, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1Textbooks have been a classroom necessity for a long time, but now it seems that tablets, and laptops have...
To what extent are electric vehicles a solution to global pollution?
Keily, , Fall 2019, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Showcase, Transportation, Technology, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 1Let’s start by stating that global warming is basically temperature rising of the earth’s atmosphere caused by high level...
AYO! Tik Tok Check!
Sophie, , Social Media, Fall 2019, Showcase, addiction, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, foryou, #tiktok, #socailmedia, 9The thing about Tik Tok is that once you start, there’s no going back. You tell yourself that you’ll...
Will You Vote Now?
Emily, , Call to Action, Fall 2019, Voting, Youth Activism, Technology, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Partnerships for the Goals, Surveys, Showcase, American Dream, Quality Education, Rights, Raise Your Voice, No Poverty (Economy), This is America, Media, Constitution, voting, voting age, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0A huge debate within the last couple of years is how can we get everyone to use their privilege...
Gene Editing
Luke, , Showcase, Technology, Fall 2019, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2Gene editing is highly controversial, this process would take place in babies and would remove all unwanted genes from...
Social Media… Yes or No?
Tiffany, , Showcase, Social Media, Fall 2019, Good Health and Well-Being, 1The first article is about how social media risks mental health. Cyberbullying is the main example used in this...
In 500 years….
Yeury, , Climate Action, Technology & Computer Science, Spark Inquiry with Questions, Fall 2019, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Getting Started, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 1In my thought, I think that the world will be very different 500 years from now. The world will...
How Music Helps Us Define What it Means to be American
Aidan, , War, Writing, Arts & Entertainment, Music, Fall 2019, Slavery, Showcase, Creative Writing, Protest, Social Media, American Creed, Okemos High School, American Creed, history, censorship, argument, vietnam, pop culture, lizzo, america, frank zappa, music, american, prince, Racism, 6American culture is forever changing and music is the best way to explore this. This is evident through the...
Everything about TOR – Should you use it?
Phill, , Privacy, Summer 2019, Fall 2019, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Showcase, Art, Technology, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1Our desire to seek privacy online has often led to the discovery of new tools. Walking on the path...
Print Is Dying, And No One Can Heal It.
Johnathan, , Technology, Community, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Summer 2019, Fall 2019, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Showcase, Art, No Poverty (Economy), Judge Memorial Catholic High School, UM Invitational Journalism Workshop, 6Since 1882, The Panolian Newspaper (located in Batesville, Mississippi) has been delivering news all across Panola County. It...
Lack of Awareness Resulting in Data Theft among Baby Boomers
Phill, , Showcase, Art, Technology, Technology & Computer Science, Summer 2019, Fall 2019, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Are you far away from your grandchildren and often want to hit them up on social networking sites? Do...
Fight For Victims: The Results
Lamiah, , Call to Action, Technology, Student-Centered, Goals, Showcase, Raise Your Voice, Quality Education, Media and Message, Rape Culture, Spring 2019, Rights, Summer 2019, Stress, Good Health and Well-Being, Social Media, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Happiness, 0Our project was about the dangers of sexual harassment and our overall goal was to inform people about sexual...
Deforestation in NY Reflection
Karen, , Nature, Social Media, Summer 2019, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Media, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Technology, Environment, Showcase, Climate Action, Quality Education, Community, Spring 2019, #BaccalaureateSchoolForGlobalEducation, green, Baccalaureate School for Global Education, Deforestation, education, #DisagreeWithDeforestation, 2My name is Karen, the authour of the blog “Deforestation In NY”. This blog is a high-school project where...