I decided to explore the question: Why are Environmentalists Against the Little Cottonwood Canyon Gondola? Living in Utah, people...
Archive for category: Responsible Consumption and Production
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Uncovering the Devastation: 20 Years On since Largest-Ever Chemical Spill in California
Emma H, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Applying past knowledge to new situations, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Spring 2023, Showcase, chemical spills, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0It’s been 20 years since the largest-ever chemical spill rocked California, leaving communities in disarray. Come join the conversation...
Fierce weather blamed for big chemical spill, outages Tank of hydrochloric acid tips, causes vapor cloud
Emma H, , Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Applying past knowledge to new situations, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Spring 2023, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, chemical spills, 0A 13,000-gallon tank of hydrochloric acid was knocked over by a line of thunderstorms on the west side of...
What can save the Great Salt Lake?
Caroline M, , Spring 2023, Environment, Climate Action, Environment & World, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0This article covers more solutions to saving the Great Salt Lake and also explains why some of these proposed...
How to Properly Dispose of Chemical Waste
Emma H, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Gathering data through all senses, Spring 2023, Showcase, chemical spills, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Chemical waste is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency through the RCRA These are their steps for removing chemical...
Potential Benefits, Risks of Artificial Intelligence.
John C, , Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Environment & World, Technology & Computer Science, Responsible Consumption and Production, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Inquiry, Questioning and posing problems, Social Media, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Media, Technology, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Artificial Intelligence, 0Are we handing over our fate to technology? This article brings up potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence...
The Wrong Way to go About Curbing Food Waste
Pilar, , Environment & World, Responsible Consumption and Production, Persisting, Thinking flexibly, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Showcase, Environment, Food Waste, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0This article from the Washington Post first starts by telling the story of a 9-year-old student of color at...
A benefit of a Pet
Jennifer, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Good Health and Well-Being, Thinking flexibly, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Spring 2023, Showcase, Quality Education, mental health, pets, Orange Cove High School, Love, 14In the article, The health and Mood-Boosting Benefits of Pets (upfront, Robinson, Lundgren, and Segal), on 12/5, 2022, I...
Why is it important to safely dispose of chemical waste? What effects will it have on the planet if not done properly?
Emma H, , Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Gathering data through all senses, Spring 2023, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, enviroment, 0If you live in a developed nation, chances are companies in your country dispose of quite literally tons of...
First thoughts on being a vegetable photographer (and playing with AI)
Christina C, , Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Persisting, Listening with understanding and empathy, Thinking flexibly, Fall 2022, AI, TTT, ai, play, AImojo, 4Here is what I wrote: I just posted a photo on Facebook that I took before we connected online...
The Handling of Misinformation on Spotify
Pilar, , Showcase, Media, Responsible Consumption and Production, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Responding with wonderment and awe, Thinking interdependently, Fall 2022, AI, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, spotify, joerogan, 4Articles Bowden, George. “Harry and Meghan Reveal Spotify Covid Row Concerns.” BBC News, BBC, 30 Jan. 2022, https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-60191264. Barlow,...
Twitter Takeover
Eli, , Politics, Constitution, Responsible Consumption and Production, Fall 2022, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, elon musk, 11 – Sources https://www.foxnews.com/media/elon-musks-twitter-takeover-makes-left-lose-gates-hell-opened In this article, Fox claims that Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter has angered the left....
Balenciaga is getting backlash from ads featuring bondage bears and child abuse papers
Dalia, , Questioning and posing problems, Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Responding with wonderment and awe, Fall 2022, Showcase, Media, Responsible Consumption and Production, Cancel Balenciaga, Orange Cove High School, 1In the article, “Balenciaga apologises for ads featuring bondage bears and child abuse papers” (The Guardian, 2022) I learned...
Canelo Explodes at Lionel Messi After Mexico vs. Argentina Game
Emmanuel, , Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Responding with wonderment and awe, Showcase, Fall 2022, Sports, Media, Responsible Consumption and Production, Questioning and posing problems, World Cup, Canelo Alvarez, Social Media, Lionel Messi, Mexico, Orange Cove High School, Argentina, 4In the article, “Canelo Alvarez explodes against Lionel Messi and sends a real threat to the Argentinian” (elfutbolero, Hector...
Cash or Card?
Christian, , Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision, Fall 2022, Showcase, Argument, Responsible Consumption and Production, Thinking flexibly, Questioning and posing problems, Money, debate, Orange Cove High School, Economics, 7In the article, “Should Cashless Businesses Be Banned?” (Upfront, Martz, 2020, Subscription required), I learned that there has been...
Are Warning Labels on Unhealthy Foods a Good Idea?
Ashley P, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Good Health and Well-Being, #obesity, #UnhealthyFood, Orange Cove High School, 0According to “Are Warning Labels on Unhealthy Food a Good Idea?” (Upfront), there is a debate regarding the proper...
Have We Become Too Reliant on Electronics?
Shawn, , Technology & Computer Science, Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Wonder, Thinking flexibly, Point of View, Questioning and posing problems, Remaining open to continuous learning, Media, Technology, computers, technology, Tablets, Reliance, addiction, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, phones, 12Have we become too reliant upon our electronics? There are many different arguments that support this question and there...
Atticus, , Showcase, Fall 2021, Quality Education, Abortion, Environment, Responsible Consumption and Production, Questioning and posing problems, Responding with wonderment and awe, Remaining open to continuous learning, abortion, earth, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 5I believe that Earth is becoming extremely overpopulated, and due to that, we will experience many issues in the...
The Man Who Lied To the Government
Jennifer Gz, , Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Coronavirus, Questioning and posing problems, Remaining open to continuous learning, Fall 2021, government, Orange Cove High School, 1In the article, “Georgia Man Spends COVID Relief Money on Pokémon Card” (McGraw Hill), Vinath Oudomsine decided that he would...
Can Money Buy Happiness?
Hannah F, , Fall 2021, Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Listening with understanding and empathy, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Responding with wonderment and awe, #happiness, RHS, 4Can money buy happiness? This question has been thought over and analyzed by hundreds of sources and people. Everyone’s...
What would happen if the US didn’t eat meat for a year?
William, , Environment & World, Responsible Consumption and Production, Fall 2021, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, vegetarian, what if, 4What would happen if the US didn’t eat meat for a year? According to Rachel Nuwer, if we stopped...
Is pork going to be more expensive than beef?
Rolando, , Showcase, Politics, Responsible Consumption and Production, Fall 2021, food, economy, prices, Orange Cove High School, 0In the aricle that I read titled “Higher Pork Prices Coming?” I learned that California approved a proposition (...
Who’s Responsible?
Jennifer, , Summer 2021, Showcase, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Responsible Consumption and Production, Orange Cove High School, Fast fashion, 0Anna McCullen thinks that the brands/factories are responsible for ensuring that our products are ethically manufactured. In an editorial,...
Who should we blame for our products not being ethically made?
Veronica, , Showcase, Three top social issues, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Summer 2021, Orange Cove High School, Fast fashion, 5According to Anna McCullen the businesses and brands are the ones responsible for ensuring that our products are ethically...
Fast Fashion: Who’s Job is it to ensure that products are ethically made?
Edward, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Summer 2021, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Fast fashion, Orange Cove High School, 15According to McCullen’s editorial the brands are responsible for ensuring that the products are ethically made. McCullen claims that...
Fast Fashion: Who is to blame?
Michelle, , Quality Education, Responsible Consumption and Production, Summer 2021, Showcase, Orange Cove High School, Fast fashion, 1According to Anna McCullen the people who are responsible for ensuring our products are ethically manufactured are the states...
Businesses should take responsibility for the fashion industry problems.
Luis, , Showcase, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Summer 2021, Orange Cove High School, Fast fashion, 0In an editorial, Anna McMullen asserts that the people who are responsible for ensuring that our products are ethically...
Public Lands In Native Hands
Sam, , Spring 2021, Showcase, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Responsible Consumption and Production, environment, Public Lands, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Native Americans, 2The story of public lands in America is one of constant battles between those who wish to exploit them...
Bears Ears National Monument and the Antiquities Act
Milo, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Spring 2021, Showcase, Nature, Environment, Environment & World, National Monuments, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1This week, after reading over this New York Times article, I learned more about how the motion to reduce...
Are Warning Labels on Unhealthy Foods a Good Idea?
Heidi, , Argument, Responsible Consumption and Production, Spring 2021, Showcase, health, food, Orange Cove High School, 3In the article “Are Warning Labels on Unhealthy Foods a Good Idea?” is about two experts, Frances Fleming-Milici and...
Do Junk Food Ads Make You Hungry?
Alondra, , Showcase, Inquiry, Media, Argument, Responsible Consumption and Production, Spring 2021, food, Media, Orange Cove High School, 4Eight teenagers were recently invited to a restaurant in the United Kingdom as part of a filmed social experiment....
The Conundrum of Food Waste
Audrey, , Environment & World, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Food Waste, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0This article from the New York Times talks about the United Nation’s response to the ever-growing threat to sustainability...
Do fast-food ads make you hungry?
Cristian, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Spring 2021, Showcase, Wonder, American Dream, #fooddesert, #fastfood, #McDonalds, Orange Cove High School, 12Fast food has been around since forever. There has been a recent conversation about if fast-food ads make you...
The Truth About Recycling
Bryan, , Showcase, Media, Environment & World, Responsible Consumption and Production, Spring 2021, World Problems, Orange Cove High School, 0Plastic has been a massive world wide problem ever since World War 2 started. Most Americans believe that if...
Plastic World: The Truth about Recycling
Antonio, , Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Spring 2021, Plastic, recycling, Orange Cove High School, 0As we think that we are helping the world by putting plastics into those blue recycle bins, we don’t...
Penny Production
Diana, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Fall 2020, Showcase, inflation, experts, shortage, future, Orange Cove High School, 2According to Upfront’s latest edition, experts are considering whether or not to stop the production of pennies. When you...
Penny Elimination
Litzy, , Environment & World, Responsible Consumption and Production, Coronavirus, Fall 2020, Showcase, Media, Argument, Pandemic, Pennies, Coins, Orange Cove High School, 1In the article, “Is It Time to Eliminate the Penny?” I learned that the U.S. produces more than 7...
Astroturfing and The Importance of Corporate and Political Transparency
Ellie, , Showcase, Politics, Media, This is America, Responsible Consumption and Production, Fall 2020, RHS, Politics, #regulations #America, corporations, 2If you have been keeping up with political news and campaigns, especially in this election year, then you are...
Movie popcorn at home?
Rosa, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Coronavirus, Fall 2020, Showcase, food, Orange Cove High School, 10Many movie theaters have been closed for months—and the popcorn is piling up. People have been eating plenty of...
Individualism as an American Value
Annabella, , Showcase, American Creed, This is America, Responsible Consumption and Production, Fall 2020, america, Okemos High School, Individualism, 4Liberty, equality, and equal opportunity for all are at the core of our values as Americans. None of them...
Paper toilets aren’t the only supplies vanishing
Cesar, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Coronavirus, Showcase, Spring 2020, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, marketing, 3As we are in the crisis of Coronavirus, we have made many precautions to not get infected by natural...
You down with down?
Strom, , Showcase, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2Yeah, you know, those feathers in your pillow, the ones that prick you sometimes and your like, what the...
How is the government going to stop the production and ban the use of animal testing?
Aria, , Showcase, Life on Land, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Animal Rights, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0In the article regarding animal testing, I learned that animals don’t necessarily need to be tested as there are...
Meatless Meat Backlash
Sam, , Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1In the article, Meatless Meat is Becoming Mainstream-and its Sparking a Backlash, by Kelsey Piper she talks about the...
Research Update: Plant Based Diets Can Save the Planet!
Hannah, , Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, health, environment, farming, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1In my search to find more research on plant based diets and how they can save the environment, I...
Fast Fashion: Research Continuation
Emily, , Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2Fast fashion is cheap, low-quality clothing produced which follows trends and is not intended to last. The problem is...
Are vegans good for kids?
Mijin, , Showcase, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Good Health and Well-Being, vegan, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1When I read articles and books, some people say that being a vegetarian as a child does not matter...
The World is Ending
Max, , Showcase, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 3In 2012 everyone thought the world was going to end but it seemed so silly....
How to start your own workout plan
Joshua, , Sports, Life Skills & Fitness, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Good Health and Well-Being, Showcase, fitness, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, workout, sport, writeout, health, 4Our ancestors were killers, hunters, and especially runners. It’s in our DNA to be physically active. Everyone can be...
Plant Based Diets and Saving Our Planet
Hannah, , Showcase, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, health, environment, veganism, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, vegetarian, 3In my last youth voice post, I discussed a new plan that New York city schools were implementing into...
Childhood Hunger in America (Part 2)
Bella, , Showcase, Zero Hunger, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, childhood hunger, 0Childhood hunger is a problem that is often overlooked in the U.S. even though millions of children experience it...
America Means A Horrifying Place to Find an Amazing Opportunity
Luis, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Spring 2020, the truth, america, Berkeley High School, 0When people think of America, they usually think about the “American Dream” or “The Land Of Opportunity”. After all,...
America Means: Diversity
Claire, , Showcase, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, america, Berkeley High School, 2When it comes to the concept of America, most people think of fast food and “The American Dream.” According...
Public and Private Zoos
Jonathan, , Showcase, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Public zoos are funded by the government, donations, and revenue from entrance fees, to merchandise, and food. Private zoos...
Possible Solutions to Animal Farming Problems and Likelihood of Implementing Plant-based Diet
Sam, , Showcase, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1A study conducted by EJ Lea and D Crawford looks at the likelihood of the average person to make...
Why improving education in youth detention centers improves society as a whole
Erica, , Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Quality Education, Prison, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2I have read and annotated three articles that look into education systems inside of youth detention centers, also known...
Fast Fashion & Sustainability
Emily, , Spring 2020, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0If we want to shift society away from fast fashion, my first source believes luxury brands need to be...
Do you think wild animals should be caught?
Heriberto Cardenas-Cervantes, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Books, Orange Cove High School, 7Until now the plot in upfront reminds me of something that happens in my good city happened before because...
Should We Ban Plastic Bottles?
Graham, , Life Below Water, Showcase, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Clean Water and Sanitation, Environment, Climate Action, Environment & World, Fall 2019, Climate Change, environment, Plastic, Plastic waste, plastic pollution, 2Tons of plastic debris is discarded every year, polluting lands, rivers, coasts, beaches, and oceans. The main problem for...
Should Marijuana be Legalized
alex, , Good Health and Well-Being, Showcase, Life Skills & Fitness, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, medical marijuana, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, legilization, 4Medical marijuana legalization is one of the hot topics in politics in recent years. With more states making the...
Childhood Hunger in America (Part 1)
Bella, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Zero Hunger, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, showcase, 0Childhood hunger is a problem that is often overlooked in the U.S. even though millions of children experience it...
Is a vegetarian diet really have benefits for the environment
Katie, , Climate Action, Environment & World, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Life on Land, Call to Action, Environment, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2Vegetarianism has been around ever since Ancient Greece (570 BC – 495 BC) There were many philosophers back then...
Idrissa, , Showcase, Research Help, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 5Today there are many homeless people everywhere in the united states begging for food and homes to sleep. The...
A problem no one is solving
Lola, , Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, No Poverty (Economy), Environment, Fall 2019, Life Below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Clean Water and Sanitation, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 4It seems like we are all aware that plastic consumption is at all time highs. Even if you specifically...
NYC Schools Go Meatless on Mondays!
Hannah, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, health, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, vegetarian, 0In the CNN article New York public schools to have ‘Meatless Mondays’ starting this fall, written by Doug Criss,...
Animal Rights
James, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1Animals have been a part human interest since humans have been on Earth. Whether hunting animals for food, sport,...
Fashion and Justice
Emily, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0EBSCO Sources The Real Cost of Your Blue Jeans. Thomas, Dana. “The Real Cost of Your Blue Jeans.” Newsweek Global,...
Lack of nutrition education leading to eating disorders and obesity in kids
Kaitlyn, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Fall 2019, Nutrition education, education, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2In recent years, it has been brought to many people’s attention that it is becoming more and more important...
MAUS II Part 2
Willbert, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Books or Plays, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 0In “MAUS II,” by Art Spiegelman, pages 41 – 74, for several months, Artie visits his father regularly to...
Problem-Solution Overview
Eric, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Partnerships for the Goals, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, yemen, 2Overview/Who is involved Since 2015, a civil war has been occuring in the middle eastern country of Yemen. After...
Be Thankful For Your Blessings
Husnain, , Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Family, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Okemos High School, 3“I hate you.” That is the last thing I remember saying. During dinner, my mother and I had gotten...
IS School Necessary?
Willbert, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Reduced Inequalities, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 5I ask this because there are a lot of smart and wealthy people that didn’t even finish high school....
MAUS II Part 3
Willbert, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Books or Plays, Fall 2019, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 0MAUS II part 3 by “art spiegelman” The next morning, Vladek announces plans for a trip to the supermarket,...
MAUS II Part 2
Willbert, , Books or Plays, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 0In MAUS II Part two by “art spiegelman” For several months, Artie visits his father regularly to hear more...
Remigia, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Immigration, Fall 2019, Oakland, immigrants, Oakland, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, 9I was 11 years old when I came into the United States to have a better education. I’m an...
Construction is Causing Rent Increase
Melissa, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, 1Did you know that from 2014 to 2018 rents have increased by 35%? This all has to do with...
Can Vegetarians Improve Climate Change?
Cora, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Fall 2019, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, climatechange, #Vegetarians, 6A vegetarian is someone who eats a more plant based diet. There are six different types of vegetarians including...
Bread stapled to trees
Joshua, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Clean Water and Sanitation, Art, Happiness, Fall 2019, Staples, reddit, environment, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, #Trees, Bread, 10The Internet is full of interesting and especially odd ideas. These ideas sometimes get so successful that even communities...
La tradición de los resturantes
Fanny, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Fall 2019, Authentic food, food, Oakland, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, 7Why do you think that central american food is being cooked by white chefs more without them having any...
Homelessness in Oakland
Dayanara, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Fall 2019, Oakland, homeless, solutions, Oakland, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, BayArea, #Oaklandhomelessness, 10“In the count taken in January using federal guidelines, Oakland had 861 sheltered people and 3,210 unsheltered people, bringing...
Struggles Being Homeless In Oakland
Jaqueline, , Oakland, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Fall 2019, homelessness, #oakland #thetown, #lifecademy, 11Why do you think people are homeless and living on the streets? Do you think it is their fault?...
Immigrant Struggle
America, , Clean Water and Sanitation, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Fall 2019, Oakland, Responsible Consumption and Production, Immigration, support, family, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, 10Immigration Struggle What do immigrants have to go through? Based on what I see happening in my community, Oakland,...
Are We Under Appreciating Food Truck Workers?
Christian, , Fall 2019, Oakland, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, food trucks, food, Oakland, hard work, 7Are We Under Appreciating Food Truck Workers? Do you like food trucks? Well then you probably don’t...
How Do Gang Members Feel While In A Gang?
Jesus, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Oakland, Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, 10When you think about thugs, what comes to mind? Society might say probably a group of people with tattoos...
Divianca, , Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, Fall 2019, Oakland, Responsible Consumption and Production, Immigrants Need the Same Respect, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, #Latina/Hispanic, Immigrants in Oakland, Day Laborers, 6“I was 32 when I came to the US the first time, in 1998. The violence and crime in...
What Happens When You Increase the Rent of Your House?
Aida, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Fall 2019, Oakland, homelessness, Oakland, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, Displacement, Rasingrent, 5By: Aida Pablo There are 4,071 homeless people in Oakland. So why are homeless people in the streets? There...
Street Vendors
Luis, , Zero Hunger, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, 0When did they legalize street vending? Despite the contributions of an estimated 50,000 vendors in Los Angeles, it wasn’t...
Construction is Causing Rent Increase
Melissa, , Gentrification, Fall 2019, Oakland, Showcase, Housing, Responsible Consumption and Production, community, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, gentrification, #OUSD, construction, rent inrease, Oakland, 7Did you know that from 2014 to 2018 rents have increased by 35%? This all has to do with...
Immigration to Oakland
Omar, , Oakland, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Fall 2019, Immigration, Oakland, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, Mexico, #Guatemala, 9Immigration In Oakland Did you know, deported Immigrants can have very serious psychological damage and trauma. Nearly 4 in...
Churches In Oakland
Robert, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Fall 2019, #lifecademy, #churchesinoaklnd, Oakland, Life Academy of Health and Bioscience, 8According to Church Angels’ directory, there are over 313 Churches in Oakland (ChruchAngel.com).this source is credible because Churches are...
If You Really Know Me
Noemi, , Showcase, Poetry, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Health Sciences High and Middle College, 0If you really know me, you would know that I’m afraid of Spiders because they look scary If you...
Secondhand Shopping As a Solution to Fast Fashion
Emily, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1Sustainability is at the forefront of many people’s mind today. The lack of sustainability in our society is a...
Climate Change and Potatoes
Elliot, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Fall 2019, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Climate change is increasing average temperatures all over the world, and these changes in temperature are having extreme consequences...
Save the Tortoises
Ella, , Showcase, Life on Land, Climate Action, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Climate Change, solutions, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, tortoises, 0Climate change is something that affects all living organisms in our world. One of these is a species of...
Obesity, One Size Fits All?
Hannah, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Fall 2019, health, Obesity, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Obesity has become one of the most popular modern day health threats across the United States. Obesity kills millions...
A New Way to Deal with the Plastic Pollution Crisis
Dominic, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Life Below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Pollution, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Plastic, 4One of the biggest issues in today’s industrial world is that humans are creating more waste now than ever....
Krispy Kreme Nazis?
Sophia, , Zero Hunger, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, donuts, 3Recently the Rienmann family found out their family has some dark ties. They found out that their ancestors Albert...
My Mom’s food
Yeury, , Showcase, Argument, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 0In my thoughts, I think my mother cooks the best food ever. When I first came to the U.S...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Cam, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Everyday we recycle to save waste and to make things reusable. But some think that it’s not the best...
How can humans stop climate change?
Mijin, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Climate Action, Environment & World, Fall 2019, Climate Change, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 3Global warming and climate change is an important issue in the world these days as populations grow. Many people...
The relationship between humans and animals
Siwei, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, 0The biological world is a rich and colorful, vibrant world, the eagle striking the sky, the fish gliding, the...
Felon Disenfranchisement and Recidivism
Jackson, , Incarceration, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0In recent years, sentencing reform has received a lot of attention. We’ve rightly come to the realization that we...
Sex Trafficking
Khristina, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Fall 2019, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, help stop sex trafficking, 0Sex trafficking has become very prevelent recently. Some people ask exactly what sex trafficking is. Sex Trafficking is when...
Is America the best country in the world?
Samuel, , Showcase, This is America, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, america, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 3Let’s be honest, America isn’t perfect nor will it ever be. But I think living in America is one...
Is being Vegetarian Good for You?
Carter, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Good Health and Well-Being, Showcase, Zero Hunger, Life Skills & Fitness, Fall 2019, cleaneating, food, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, vegitarian, 2A lot of people think that a vegetarian diet is not good for a person. A vegetarian diet is...
Why do people want to cut down on greenhouse emissions?
Roman, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Greenhouse Gases, Greenhouse Affect, carbon dioxide, Global Warming, Climate Change, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Since the industrial revolution in the 1800s the Earth’s climate has been changing drastically. The most notable effect is...
How is plastic affecting the human race?
Asnica, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1Plastic has a chemical in it called bisphenol A (BPA) and this chemical is very dangerous for us humans...
Global Warming Threats
Timmy, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Life Below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Global Warming, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, global issues, 3Global warming is a huge problem going on in the world that I think often gets overlooked in everyone’s...
Should we have Zoos?
Timothy, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Environment & World, zoos, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 6Controversy has always been a topic around zoos and the humane aspect of keeping animals captive. Many people love...
Maggie’s Diary
Celines, , Books or Plays, Point of View, Everyday Use, Responsible Consumption and Production, Listening with understanding and empathy, Creating, imagining, and innovating, Showcase, ELLIS Preparatory Academy, point of view, 5Today was a great day. When I woke up, everything looked like a normal day but I never imagined...
Maggie’s Mournful life
Yeanoor, , Showcase, Family, Point of View, Fall 2019, Everyday Use, Responsible Consumption and Production, Reduced Inequalities, ELLIS Preparatory Academy, 3The yard of my house is so beautiful. It makes me feel that I am sitting in my living room...
Deforestation is hurting our environment
Yeury, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Argument, Environment & World, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 1People cut all the trees down to make tall buildings and other things that are made with trees but...
We Eat Too Much!
James, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, food, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 4I know we set aside one particular day each and every year to express our thankfulness for all that...
The War in Yemen
Ebrahim, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Spark Inquiry with Questions, Fall 2019, danger, War, poor, yemen, Crotona International High School, 9This question makes me confused because it concerns us. What I think I already know is that my country...
Not all people like food from Honduras or USA
Kaitalin, , Argument, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 1Not all people like food from Honduras or USA because it tastes different from each other. In 2016 my...
The Meaning of Family
Laya, , Showcase, American Creed, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, family, Okemos High School, Fall 2019, 2019, 12“With family on your side, there isn’t a battle you can’t lose”. It is more than fair to say...
How World War II Affected American Life
Taylor, , Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, War, This is America, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, america, Okemos High School, world war two, miss peregrines home for peculiar children, 5As most would know, World war II made a huge impact on the whole world. But what some may...
Americas Hope
Han, , Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Terrorism, American Dream, American Creed, This is America, Civic Engagement & Social Justice, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Okemos High School, 1The book BullyVille presents a real-life event and also what happens in many parts of the United States. When...
What can be done for Global Warming?
Kutay, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Fall 2019, Global Warming, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 3In these days, I think that global warming is one of the biggest threats which is getting dangerous. In...
What’s up with Keto?
Sophie, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Good Health and Well-Being, Showcase, health, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, #keto, 3Every year there seems to be a new diet going around promising health improvements and weight loss. These diets...
College is expensive.
Audrey, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Quality Education, College Tuition, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, student debt, 0The tuition for college has quadrupled and was much cheaper for older generations. American taxpayers are charging students for...
Are zoos bad for animals?
Mijin, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, Life on Land, Animals Rights, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 3When I am going to the zoos, I can see lots of various animals and I feel that animals...
Why people aren’t going vegetarian
Lola, , Showcase, Zero Hunger, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1A vegetarian diet holds ethical, environmental, and health benefits. The meat production system is producing a large percentage of...
Climate Change
Sydney, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, climatechange, oceans, 1In this article about climate change, I learned more about climate change and all of the effects that it...
Shouldn’t Have Done That
Chelsie, , Showcase, Bio ELL, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Park Slope Collegiate, 1Walking on the street, I was coming home from school. Where I could see merchants setting on the sidewalk...
Poverty and the Blight
Owen, , Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, No Poverty (Economy), Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, poverty, Okemos High School, 0Poverty is a major problem around the world. The issues of hunger and poverty are struggles that almost every...
What is Our American Culture?
Cooper, , Bullying, American Creed, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, LGBTQ+ Rights, Okemos High School, 1Our American Culture is something that each and everyone of us see everyday. Whether or not we see it...
Eviction and the Evicted
Drew, , Showcase, American Creed, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Reduced Inequalities, Housing, Okemos High School, 1The promise of housing for all is one of the essential values we hold as Americans. In Evicted, by...
How does Literacy affect people’s lives?
Lauren, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, No Poverty (Economy), Call to Action, Fall 2019, Okemos High School, 0The book Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich takes you into the everyday life of lower income families and...
Why are the Impoverished Judged?
Madison, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, No Poverty (Economy), Social Class, American Creed, poverty, Okemos High School, 1Poverty can be defined as “the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money...
The Conflict of Trade War
Eric, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, AAPI Heritage, Showcase, No Poverty (Economy), Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2Recently, 28 China entities were put in American blacklists. American companies are not allow to provide products for them...
Global Warming and Climate Change
Abraham, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Global Warming and Climate Change focused on Global warming, which is currently the main issue, and how climate change...
My Immigrant Story
Joshua, , Bio ELL, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Honduras, poverty, justice, SingleMom, Crotona International High School, Immigration, 3This is a very sad experience because I had to leave everything behind, for example, my family. I need...
Problems caused by Plastics
Sydney, , Environment & World, Fall 2019, Life Below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Showcase, Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Environment, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Plastic, Ocean, Problems, 10In the article about plastics, I learned about how plastic does not just affect ocean life. It affects everything....
Plastic Pollution
Katie, , Call to Action, Fall 2019, Life Below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Plastic, Ocean, 2In this day and age it is hard to imagine life without plastic, we see it everywhere for example...
Pauline, , Life Below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Nature, Clean Water and Sanitation, Environment, AAPI Heritage, Environment & World, oceanpollution, plasticintheocean, Plastics, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Ocean, 3It is very discouraging to think how much plastics are now in the oceans due to human waste. In...
How is the government going to stop the production and ban the use of animal testing?
Aria, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Partnerships for the Goals, Showcase, Life on Land, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, Animal Rights, 9In the article regarding animal testing, I learned that animals don’t necessarily need to be tested as there are...
Opposing viewpoints: Healthy or Processed?
Maddie, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 1Is it true that fruits and vegetables are more expensive than junk food? In today’s society in America, we...
Is Equality A Real Thing?
Paula, , Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, Politics, Fall 2019, society, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 2Equality of opportunity is “ the idea that people ought to be able to compete on equal terms, or...
What causes obesity?
Kutay, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, health, food, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 3Obesity is one of the most common problems which is rapidly growing in today’s society. Obesity is a health...
Milky Milky Yum Yum Yum
Ben, , Environment & World, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Showcase, Nature, milk, cow, Agriculture, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 4Since our birth, our parents have been forcing us to guzzle gallons of milk, insisting that it’s good for...
Do dolphins and whales use ultrasound only for communications?
Mijin, , Showcase, Environment & World, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Animals, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, ultrasound, 4Humans cannot communicate underwater unless we use our bodies to communicate. When humans do activities underwater such as scuba...
The American Recycling Program Needs to be Revisited
James, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, recycling, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 0Believe it or not there was a time, not so long ago, that the average American family only had...
Plastic in our Worlds Ocean
Cam, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Life Below Water, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 4Over the last couple of years we have seen a massive growth is our oceans trash and specifically the...
Big Factors of Climate Change
Gedeon, , Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Showcase, 3In article one, We Produce Too Much Food. The Green New Deal Can Stop This, Eric Holt-Gimenez claims that...
Pineapples on Pizza: The Epitome of Human Morality
Michael, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, 0Over the past week, I had an argument with a block headed, stubborn, close-minded, pizza fanatic. Rather loud for...
Why is climate change bad? What can you do to stop it?
Emily, , Clean Water and Sanitation, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Showcase, Art, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, 4Why is climate change bad? It causes an increase in temperatures across the globe. Soon, in some places, it...
The Pros and Cons of Factory Farming
Emily, , Showcase, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Clean Water and Sanitation, Judge Memorial Catholic High School, factory farming, 0The issue I chose is factory farming. The author of the first article believes that factory farming is an...
Why do people move to the United States from the Dominican Republic?
Luis, , Immigration, Getting Started, Fall 2019, Responsible Consumption and Production, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Showcase, P.U.L.S.E. High School, 3The world is changing fast just like people and that is interesting. People have changed this world in different...