woman in black bikini holding bouquet of flowers
People told me that I shouldn’t show my skin 
or that I’m not perfect enough 
or fit enough to be able to have self confidence 
with revealing my skin. 

Only women who are skinny 
are the perfect size to be able to reveal their skin. 

I am Lizzo 
I am Lizzo 
I love my body 
I’m glad what god has given me

I am perfect in my own way. 
I should be able to have self confidence, 
I should be able to reveal my skin if I want . 
who are you to tell me how I should be. 

Everybody should be able to have self confidence ,
and  everyone's body is beautiful, 
nothing can change that. 
Why should plus size womens need to cover up? 

I want my audience and both genders
 to have self confidence the more 
we are confident we are most 
likely to become stronger. 
woman in black bikini standing beside red wall
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March 23, 2023 11:06 pm

I really like your message of body positivity and how you expressed that everyone of all genders should be able to feel confident in themselves. I feel like when people think of body positivity, people think of mainly woman, men get overlooked.

October 20, 2021 6:05 am

Dear Melody, 
I agree with your poem, “Body Positivity” because people need to be comfortable and be confident with their bodies. By getting rid of body standards, people will learn to accept and embrace their beautiful bodies. 

One sentence that you wrote that stands out to me is, “I should be able to reveal my skin if I want. who are you to tell me how I should be.” This quote specifically stood out to me because no one should have a say on what you can’t or can wear because of the “type” of the body you have. When wearing clothes you should not be afraid of judgment but be comfortable and happy in them. 

Thanks for writing I look forward to seeing what you write next because I like how you mentioned that we should be comfortable in our skin and ignore the judgments of others.

Valarie Gonzalez 

April 19, 2021 5:35 am

Dear Melody, I agree with you that people shouldn’t have a say in our bodies. No one should have a say in what we could wear and what society wants us to wear. In my opinion, every body is beautiful in its own way. Everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin without people judging them. They shouldn’t need to be identified as “skinny” in order to be accepted by society. Everyone should be taught that not every body is going to look the same. I am so fascinated by your poem because everyone should hear about body positivity.
Marlene Sosa

February 15, 2021 8:03 pm

Dear Melody, I love your poem, “Body Positivity” because it shows that all bodies are beautiful. One sentence that stood out to me was “who are you to tell me how I should be”. I think that no one should tell people what they think they should do with their bodies. Everyone is in control of what they want to do and if they want to show their bodies they have every right to do that. Thanks for your writing. I look forward to what you write next.

January 28, 2021 10:25 pm

Dear Melody, your poem is beautiful and I really enjoyed reading it. We should normalize that everybody is acceptable and beautiful for both men and women. Everyone should be able to have confidence in their own skin. I like the way you express your own thoughts and feelings through poetry. if your struggling with any insecurity know that you are beautiful and you are unique. God created you and I bet you have qualities that no one else has.

January 27, 2021 2:58 am

I agree with what you have wrote I believe that everyone should be able to embrace their body especially without the judgement of other. You are most definitely right about ” everybody is beautiful “. It is support important for people to be comfortable with their body. with the support of others and no stereotypes of the “perfect body” people should love themselves.

January 19, 2021 7:27 pm

Dear Melody,

I 100% agree with your poem ¨Body positivity¨ because it informs us that we are perfect just the way you are and nothing can change this. Also, people should realize what’s on the inside and not what’s visual to us. One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is ¨I want my audience and both genders to have self-confidence the more we are confident we are most likely to become stronger.¨ I think this is intriguing because you included both genders and I agree both genders do get treated the same way because of their figure. Don’t let anyone put you down and put them in their place. Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because this was very thoughtful on your part and motivating everyone to accept themselves how they are. I look forward to your future poems/posts.


January 18, 2021 7:14 am

Dear Melody:
I am joyful about your poem, “Body Positivity,” because it sends a message about how all body are perfect no matter what. People should understand that people have different ideas of what a perfect body looks like.
One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is: “I should be able to have self confidence,
I should be able to reveal my skin if I want. ” I think this is wonderful because people should be able to express themself no matter what. People should not be or feel ashamed of how they look.
Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next, because I agree with what you have to say. I like how you are spreading positivity.
Osiris Meraz

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