a woman holding a sign that says not your baby, not your choice

In the article, “abortion,privacy rights, and religion” (John 2022) I was informed that religion affects the way people see abortions.Throught the article it talked about women not being able to feel like they are allowed to have abortions due to their religion. This situation is very unfortunate because they aren’t allowed to have abortions if they really need to. There were a lot of protests that said keep your religion out of my uterusAnd I feel like this is very important because a lot of people’s religion is affecting their ability to have an abortion. The article also states that they argue that they violate the free exercise clause because they interfere with the rights of those whose faith allows them to have abortions. Their faith and religion is making people believe that they shouldn’t have abortions and they are trying to convince people that as well.

In my opinion I see why people are trying to blame their religion and beliefs that makes them feel like they are not allowed to have abortions.But I feel like you shouldn’t rub that off of anyone else and make other believe that they shouldn’t have abortion because of their religion they should let their religion define them but not others.It’s crazy to think that people have to protest for the rights of having abortions because people that have certain beliefs are trying to protest against them.

As I continue to learn about abortion, privacy rights and religion I want to know if the woman’s significant other has a decision if their wife/girlfriend should have an abortion.

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November 27, 2023 11:00 pm

dear Cameron
your post made me think about who think differently about abortion. I do agree with you on some things because women may have reasons to get an abortion. something I wonder is if the things they do is wrong and if they should get pushiment

Miguel landeros

November 27, 2023 5:11 pm

Dear Cameron,

Your post made me think that religion shouldn’t affect anyone in that women should have the right to do whatever they want. Another thing is that people are against abortion due to their religion. I wonder why abortion has an affection in religion.

Amber Rosas

Last edited 9 months ago by Amber

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