In the article, “Abuses at the U.S.- Mexico Border: How to Address Failures and Protect Rights”, by Adam Isacson and Zoe Martens, I learned about the mistreatment that immigrants go through at the US border. The US border patrol doesn’t treat immigrants with the rights a human being deserves. Immigrants are being separated from their families, deprived of their basic needs, abused, and even killed. If it weren’t for human rights activists, journalists, and others there would be no justice for the victims. Even when a case is brought to light it is commonly thrown under the table and the immigrants never receive Justice. 
I think this issue has gotten way too out of hand for the government and others in power to keep ignoring this issue.  A person has the right to their basic human rights, not being a citizen doesn’t change the fact. It’s unbelievable that border patrol officers abuse their power and no one does anything.
As I continue to learn about border issues, I would like to know what the government’s response is to all this corruption. 
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December 11, 2023 5:20 pm

Dear Sara, 

Your post has helped me become more aware of the injustice and violence taking place at our border with Mexico. It is devastating to see how human beings are being treated so poorly at the hands of border patrol enforcement; being separated from your family, being deprived of your needs, being killed, its all inhumane. Something I wonder is how those working at the border get away with their actions, is there no one watching over them?


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